vedit crash

i have been experiencing this problem for a while now, while i am editing
text files in vedit it unexpectedly and unexplicably crashes causing a loss
of all work done since the last save. i have had this happen numerous times
and on multiple machines, an hp with a 533mhz celeron and a compaq 266mhz

i am running qnx 4.25, photon 1.14 and vedit 5.05 in 32 bit color at
1024x768 on both machines. if you have any suggestions on what is causing
this it would save me a ton of time and would be greatly appreciated.


“Ross Brantner” <> wrote in message

i have been experiencing this problem for a while now, while i am editing
text files in vedit it unexpectedly and unexplicably crashes causing a
of all work done since the last save. i have had this happen numerous
and on multiple machines, an hp with a 533mhz celeron and a compaq 266mhz

i am running qnx 4.25, photon 1.14 and vedit 5.05 in 32 bit color at
1024x768 on both machines. if you have any suggestions on what is causing
this it would save me a ton of time and would be greatly appreciated.

try vedit version 5.16 at least for me it has never crashed. aslo, you
editing files on the same node or across qnx network ? sometimes vedit hangs
up when some network problems occure, for example remote node goes down.


// wbr

If you are usiung vedit in a Photon pterm, don’t use very small windows.
That will make it crash.

Bill Caroselli

“Ross Brantner” <> wrote in message

i have been experiencing this problem for a while now, while i am editing
text files in vedit it unexpectedly and unexplicably crashes causing a
of all work done since the last save. i have had this happen numerous
and on multiple machines, an hp with a 533mhz celeron and a compaq 266mhz

i am running qnx 4.25, photon 1.14 and vedit 5.05 in 32 bit color at
1024x768 on both machines. if you have any suggestions on what is causing
this it would save me a ton of time and would be greatly appreciated.


I’ve never upgraded the version of vedit I use. It seemed to me for a while
that it depended on how lucky you were with your QNX install. Sometimes I’d
install and it would be OK, other times it would crash a lot. And it was
always on the same hardware. One thing I haven’t run in a long time is the
desktop manager, and back when I was having problems I think I was (not to
say that was actually what caused it).

At times, one of my coworkers would be writing code, if he left his vedit
window open when he went to test a piece of code, and that program crashed,
whichever file was open in vedit would become corrupted. I never had that
problem, and would test exactly the same thing.

“Ross Brantner” <> wrote in message

i have been experiencing this problem for a while now, while i am editing
text files in vedit it unexpectedly and unexplicably crashes causing a
of all work done since the last save. i have had this happen numerous
and on multiple machines, an hp with a 533mhz celeron and a compaq 266mhz

i am running qnx 4.25, photon 1.14 and vedit 5.05 in 32 bit color at
1024x768 on both machines. if you have any suggestions on what is causing
this it would save me a ton of time and would be greatly appreciated.
