
We are doing the maintenance for drilling machine which
operate on QNX version 4.23. The software is called cnc3000.

The software came in a set of 4 diskettes. Upon full installation of
all the diskettes and cold boot of the system, the system will go
straight into the cnc3000.
Recently, we have damaged several harddisks.
It all showd “mount -p cannot mount partition 238(0eeh) on /dev/hd0
error no space left on device
diak /dev/hd0 has 19541088 sectors
partition (1200236718…1200545642)does not fit within disk”

Have any possible reasons that could cause this damage happened ?
Can someone advise me how to prevent this situation happen ?
Appreciate your help.

It looks like two possibilities here. One is that the
first (partition) sector has been corrupted. This could
have been done unintentionally, by a malicious or buggy
program, or by a driver bug. We used to see this type
of driver bug in early versions of the QNX2, but not

Another possibility is that the hard drive itself is
damaged, and the weird data you are getting back is
a driver artifact. In this case, you may need a new
hard drive.

Previously, posalux.taiwan wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

We are doing the maintenance for drilling machine which
operate on QNX version 4.23. The software is called cnc3000.

The software came in a set of 4 diskettes. Upon full installation of
all the diskettes and cold boot of the system, the system will go
straight into the cnc3000.
Recently, we have damaged several harddisks.
It all showd “mount -p cannot mount partition 238(0eeh) on /dev/hd0
error no space left on device
diak /dev/hd0 has 19541088 sectors
partition (1200236718…1200545642)does not fit within disk”

Have any possible reasons that could cause this damage happened ?
Can someone advise me how to prevent this situation happen ?
Appreciate your help.

Mitchell Schoenbrun ---------