QNX4 /Watcom 10.6 Thread Safe

Hello all,
The Watcom C Library v10.6 states, under tfork, that the QNX libraries
currently aren’t completely thread safe. Has this changed? The manual
states to see if a newer version of the libraries are available. Did a
thread safe version of the libraries every come out?


Mike <mseeberger@email.com> wrote:

Hello all,
The Watcom C Library v10.6 states, under tfork, that the QNX libraries
currently aren’t completely thread safe. Has this changed? The manual
states to see if a newer version of the libraries are available. Did a
thread safe version of the libraries every come out?

No, they aren’t thread safe. They are better if you use _beginthread()
rather than tfork(), but still not great. Each function should have
a safety table at the bottom of the page – if it says YES for thread,
then, that function should be safe to use in a multi-threaded application
when the threads are started with _beginthread().

But, in general, I would avoid using threads under QNX4 – even when the
libraries/routines are labelled as thread safe, it doesn’t mean it will
behave in the expected thread manner – for instance, fds opened in one
thread will not be available for use in another thread, etc.

I think there is a posix thread library available that does give a more
complete threading environment – it would have to be downloaded, and is
not supported.


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