I’ve to write rec. sound an app. under QNX4.
It has to detect begining and the end of speeker.
Can i use ALSA 0.5 drivers?
Does anyone has some example sources which show
how to use alsa drivers and how to get sample and make
calculation ex. of signal begining?
Please help,

Krystian <> wrote:

I’ve to write rec. sound an app. under QNX4.
It has to detect begining and the end of speeker.
Can i use ALSA 0.5 drivers?
Does anyone has some example sources which show
how to use alsa drivers and how to get sample and make
calculation ex. of signal begining?
Please help,

I have a voice activated recorder module, but it’s licensed for
non-commercial use. Send me an email to discuss…


Robert Krten, PARSE Software Devices +1 613 599 8316.
Realtime Systems Architecture, Books, Consulting and Training at
Email my initials at parse dot com.