Well I know how to prefix a file to another node, but what if some of the
hosts aren’t QNX hosts?
Let me take a different approach. Let’s assume that node1 is a gateway to
the outside world. It has an IP address and name (we’ll call it xyz.com)
that is visible to the outside world. Nodes 2 through X can access the
outside world through node1 as a gateway. The outside world does not need
to get to the inner nodes but inside the network I want to access:
Everyone inside can use node 1 as a name server. What is the minimum amount
of work to accomplish this?
I assume that nodes 2 and up simply have to reference node1 as their name
server, right? So what does node 1 have to do?
“Xiaodan Tang” <xtang@qnx.com> wrote in message
“Bill Caroselli (Q-TPS)” <> QTPS@earthlink.net> > wrote:
I have done that but no dice yet.
Currently my /etc/resolv.conf looks like this:
domain .
lookup file bind
nameserver <some external IP address
The three hosts are in my /etc/hosts file.
Curiously enough a ping to one of these hosts works weather or not I
the “lookup file bid” line in the resolv.conf file.
But nslookup will not look in /etc/hosts.
The resolver nslookup used, is different with the one in libsocket
(used by gethostbyname() …). and “lookup f b” is an option we
invented in libsocket. That’s why nslookup will not find them.
Even so, I want to have a single name data base so that as I do add many
other hosts I don’t have to update all the /etc/hosts files.
/etc/resolv.conf only defined “where” to get the name translate.
These are private to each node. So if a “newnode” being added
into the network, you have to add that entry into everybody’s
You either have to prefix a central node /etc/hosts, or, you
can run a named on the “central node”. Everybody will have
/etc/resolv.conf looks like:
domain .
lookup file bind
nameserver central_node_ip
nameserver external_nameserver_ip
Thus, next time, you only need to add “newnode” in your central_node
named database.
“David Gibbs” <> dagibbs@qnx.com> > wrote in message
news:a9nglq$2is$> 1@nntp.qnx.com> …
“Bill Caroselli (Q-TPS)” <> QTPS@earthlink.net> > wrote:
I have tcp/ip v5.0 up and running. Now I want to do some fancy name
Currently my /etc/resolv.conf looks like this:
domain .
nameserver <some external IP address
Try adding a line to your /etc/resolv.conf that says
lookup file bind
after your domain spec, but before your nameserver spec.
Name service is working. I can access external host names.
I would like to be able to add some local host names to the local
only. I don’t need these names to be visible to the outside world.
that my local host names are:
Put these in your /etc/hosts file
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