/bin/modem -d ???

We are running 4.25D. /bin/modem does not appear to be able to use an
attached modem to dial out ( -d option). Looking in the debug file we can
see it never attempts to send a atd command to the modem.

Have we missed something or is this bug in /bin/modem?

Does patch E fix the problem?

Regards …

modem has not changed in quite a while. Out veriosn is Jul 17 1988.
What are you trying to do?
For me,
on -t //1/dev/ser1 -D /tmp/modem -d 1234567
does dial out - I can hear it and see it.

Have you looked at the online docs?


Richard Lyon wrote:

We are running 4.25D. /bin/modem does not appear to be able to use an
attached modem to dial out ( -d option). Looking in the debug file we can
see it never attempts to send a atd command to the modem.

Have we missed something or is this bug in /bin/modem?

Does patch E fix the problem?

Regards …