Port for /dev/random?

Has anyone ported Linux’s /dev/random for QNX4.

I have tried perl entropy gatherers, but I am experiancing difficulties
with TCP/IP 5.0’s Unix sockets.

I’m hoping to find /dev/random so that I can use OpenSSL as it needs a
random seed.

It was ported already. search google.

Paul Kimberley <pkimberley@ati.sl.on.ca> wrote:

Has anyone ported Linux’s /dev/random for QNX4.

I have tried perl entropy gatherers, but I am experiancing difficulties
with TCP/IP 5.0’s Unix sockets.

I’m hoping to find /dev/random so that I can use OpenSSL as it needs a
random seed.

Paul Kimberley <pkimberley@ati.sl.on.ca> wrote:

Has anyone ported Linux’s /dev/random for QNX4.


Regards - Jochen


I have done a google search that was step 1.

I see references to a port becoming available but no developer
information and no URL.

I was hoping someone knows a URL/developer of a port.

As most crypto packages need some sort of random device I thought this
would be a common problem.

liug wrote:

It was ported already. search google.

Paul Kimberley <> pkimberley@ati.sl.on.ca> > wrote:

Has anyone ported Linux’s /dev/random for QNX4.

I have tried perl entropy gatherers, but I am experiancing difficulties
with TCP/IP 5.0’s Unix sockets.

I’m hoping to find /dev/random so that I can use OpenSSL as it needs a
random seed.

Sam Roberts (sam@cogent.ca) of Cogent Real-Time Systems (www.cogent.ca)
did the port. It used to be on his site at
but it seems it is not accessible at the moment.
someone may have archived it, or you can email Sam for the port.

Paul Kimberley <pkimberley@ati.sl.on.ca> wrote:

I have done a google search that was step 1.

I see references to a port becoming available but no developer
information and no URL.

I was hoping someone knows a URL/developer of a port.

As most crypto packages need some sort of random device I thought this
would be a common problem.

liug wrote:

It was ported already. search google.

Paul Kimberley <> pkimberley@ati.sl.on.ca> > wrote:

Has anyone ported Linux’s /dev/random for QNX4.

I have tried perl entropy gatherers, but I am experiancing difficulties
with TCP/IP 5.0’s Unix sockets.

I’m hoping to find /dev/random so that I can use OpenSSL as it needs a
random seed.

Thanks, installed with no problems!!

DS-Labor wrote:

Paul Kimberley <> pkimberley@ati.sl.on.ca> > wrote:

Has anyone ported Linux’s /dev/random for QNX4.


Regards - Jochen