slow telnet

Dear all,

I have a problem using my telnet connection. Sometimes I have to wait a
really long time before having the login prompt. After having the prompt,
the telnet connection works perfectly well.

Here is 2 configurations. With one of them, it is working well, and with the
other, it is very slow :

Good configurations

Net &
Net.ether82557 -I0 -l2
sleep 7
Socket “hostname”
sleep 2
ifconfig en2 “hostname” netmask “…” up
route add “DefaultGateway”

Slow configuration

Net -d2 &
Net.ether82557 -P -l1
Net.fd -c -h -l2 -a “MacAddress” -v /dev/netfd
sleep 7
Socket “hostname”
sleep 2
ifconfig en2 “hostname” netmask “…” up
route add “DefaultGateway”

The problem is that I really need to use Net.fd.

Can somebody help me to find out why the login comes so slowly in that
Net.fd configuration??

Michele D

MicheleD wrote:

I have a problem using my telnet connection. Sometimes I have to
wait a really long time before having the login prompt. After having
the prompt, the telnet connection works perfectly well.

Do you have a name server specified in your /etc/resolv.conf,
which isn’t accessible in your ‘slow configuration’?

AFAIK telnet tries to resolve the name somewhen and gives
up after a timeout …

Try, if there’s a difference between 'ping ’
and 'ping -n '. The latter should work faster,
if this is the case.



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