audio device driver for yamaha DS-XG on Sony VAIO 600NE


that package is great and everything went well with the installation
except the audio device driver.

i have sony vaio with a yamaha ds xg on it.
pci -v shows a soundcard and its infos but, theres no sound.
the mediaplayer tells me that probably the driver is not loaded.

ok, so can i change system settings to load the audio-driver
or is such a driver not implemented?


hi it’s me again,

i disabled the pnp os at the bios level.
it didn’t work. do i have to change anything in the qnx-boot system
or autodetect software?


Currently, there is no released driver that supports the Yamaha
PCI soundchips. We are working on one and expect that it will
be in one of the first patches.

Ramin Assadollahi <> wrote:

hi it’s me again,

i disabled the pnp os at the bios level.
it didn’t work. do i have to change anything in the qnx-boot system
or autodetect software?


i thought this chip is compatible at least to SB16, isn’t it?
will i really have to wait for the one of the next patches?
or is there a work-around using a SB16 driver?


You will have to wait. There is no workaround.

There are a large number of soundchips that claim SB-Compatibility
but require special drivers to enable it. These are effectively
hacks to allow old games that directly program the hardware
to function on a modern card. The deva-sb driver will only work
on cards that power-up by default in a SB-compatiblity mode.

Ramin Assadollahi <> wrote:

i thought this chip is compatible at least to SB16, isn’t it?
will i really have to wait for the one of the next patches?
or is there a work-around using a SB16 driver?
