Can't find en0

As ping, netstat, etc. won’t run under the small tcp package, I slayed off
io-net, and restarted with the big package. But when I try to do the
ifconfig on en0, it says that is does not exist. I can’t find it under /dev
myself, either. Doing a pci -v shows that my Realtek 8139 NIC exists in the
system. How do I get the en0 designator assigned to the card, so I can
assign an IP address to it?


Paul Missman

P.S. Thanks to all the folks that pushed the RTP out the door. I played
with QNX back in 1985, and thought it was an exceptionally good OS for the
times. However, I didn’t have the money to keep upgrading it, and lost my
copy long ago. I’m glad to see this real time OS finally come out for free.

I found out how to do this one myself. I still don’t know where the driver is stored, but the following worked in getting the
network card online:

login as root
slay io-net
io-net -drtl -ptcpip -ppppmgr &
ifconfig en0 up

Paul Missman

Now, since my modem won’t work on this machine: Can I ftp the c compiler
from the QNX site onto my other machine, and then ftp it onto the qnxrtp box
from there?

Paul Missman <> wrote in message

As ping, netstat, etc. won’t run under the small tcp package, I slayed off
io-net, and restarted with the big package. But when I try to do the
ifconfig on en0, it says that is does not exist. I can’t find it under
myself, either. Doing a pci -v shows that my Realtek 8139 NIC exists in
system. How do I get the en0 designator assigned to the card, so I can
assign an IP address to it?


Paul Missman

P.S. Thanks to all the folks that pushed the RTP out the door. I played
with QNX back in 1985, and thought it was an exceptionally good OS for the
times. However, I didn’t have the money to keep upgrading it, and lost my
copy long ago. I’m glad to see this real time OS finally come out for

Paul Missman <> wrote:

Now, since my modem won’t work on this machine: Can I ftp the c compiler
from the QNX site onto my other machine, and then ftp it onto the qnxrtp box
from there?

if you know the the com/port/irq of your modem try

slay devc-ser8250
devc-ser9250 -u[ser#] [port],[irq]