Newsreader Speed ?

Just loaded up this group in Outlook Depressed and it was like
lightening compared to V-Mail ?

Is there anything that I should check (settings etc) that could be
slowing things down ?

Its also pretty slow at getting my mail and sometimes I get error
messages about lock files and too many logon failures ???

Any help ta !


Previously, Custom PC wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:

Just loaded up this group in Outlook Depressed and it was like
lightening compared to V-Mail ?

Is there anything that I should check (settings etc) that could be
slowing things down ?

Its also pretty slow at getting my mail and sometimes I get error
messages about lock files and too many logon failures ???

Any help ta !


Yes, you are right, I think there is a problem with voyager.server. I often can see cpu at 100% while using vmail or voyager without anything to do (apparently). I often have to slay voyager.server nad restart vmail or voyager and everything is ok, for a while, except the speed!!!
