pccard on qnx

Well, first i want to sorry my english

if someone can help me how to i use my pcmcia card’s
on qnx
i have 2 card
1 - 3com noteworty 56k modem
2 - Ne2000 Compatible
anyone help me please
i’m new in qnx

tanks all

Mauro Dias Ribeiro wrote:

if someone can help me how to i use my pcmcia card’s
on qnx
i have 2 card
1 - 3com noteworty 56k modem
2 - Ne2000 Compatible

in short:

  1. check a news articles from a few weeks backwards
  2. devp-pccard &
  3. pin and check io-addresses and irq’s
  4. start suitable driver with above parameters (e.g.
    slay io-net; /sbin/io-net -dne2000 -pttcpip &
  5. phlip

    Arkadiusz Benes

i go crazy
Mauro Dias Ribeiro wrote in message <8s61ah$idg$1@inn.qnx.com>…

Well, first i want to sorry my english

if someone can help me how to i use my pcmcia card’s
on qnx
i have 2 card
1 - 3com noteworty 56k modem
2 - Ne2000 Compatible
anyone help me please
i’m new in qnx

tanks all

Previously, Arkadiusz Benes wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:

Mauro Dias Ribeiro wrote:

if someone can help me how to i use my pcmcia card’s
on qnx
i have 2 card
1 - 3com noteworty 56k modem
2 - Ne2000 Compatible

If your machine has a PCCard controller, RTP should automatically detect
this and start devp-pccard. You can prove this by running the ‘pin’
utility. Once devp-pccard is running and you have inserted your cards,
‘pin’ will give you the I/O ports and IRQs associated with these cards.
You can then start the appropriate driver - ‘devc-ser8250 -u2 0xaaa,bb’
for the modem, where aaa and bb are the I/O port and IRQ obtained from
‘pin’. For the NE2000 adapter you will start
‘io-net -dne2000 ioport=0xaaa,irq=bb -pttcpip’, where aaa and bb are
the I/O port and IRQ obtained from ‘pin’.

Hugh Brown (613) 591-0931 ext. 209 (voice)
QNX Software Systems Ltd. (613) 591-3579 (fax)
175 Terence Matthews Cres. email: hsbrown@qnx.com
Kanata, Ontario, Canada.
K2M 1W8

pin return’s to me
that my two slot’s are empty
and the card’s are inserted.
Hugh Brown wrote in message …

Previously, Arkadiusz Benes wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:
Mauro Dias Ribeiro wrote:

if someone can help me how to i use my pcmcia card’s
on qnx
i have 2 card
1 - 3com noteworty 56k modem
2 - Ne2000 Compatible

If your machine has a PCCard controller, RTP should automatically detect
this and start devp-pccard. You can prove this by running the ‘pin’
utility. Once devp-pccard is running and you have inserted your cards,
‘pin’ will give you the I/O ports and IRQs associated with these cards.
You can then start the appropriate driver - ‘devc-ser8250 -u2 0xaaa,bb’
for the modem, where aaa and bb are the I/O port and IRQ obtained from
‘pin’. For the NE2000 adapter you will start
‘io-net -dne2000 ioport=0xaaa,irq=bb -pttcpip’, where aaa and bb are
the I/O port and IRQ obtained from ‘pin’.

Hugh Brown (613) 591-0931 ext. 209 (voice)
QNX Software Systems Ltd. (613) 591-3579 (fax)
175 Terence Matthews Cres. email: > hsbrown@qnx.com
Kanata, Ontario, Canada.
K2M 1W8

Well, i really need this help,
'cuz the little that i see from QNX Real Time Plataform
Make’s me happy, i’m going in love with that OS

pin returns to me that my two pccard slot’s are empty
and the card’s are in the slots.
devp-pccard, enum-pccard
is running
i tryed to devc-ser8250 -u2 2f8,3
but it’s only creat /dev/ser2
but don’t give a modem answer
and pin returns that slot’s are empty

Sorry my english

Arkadiusz Benes wrote in message <39E6CABE.952FE6FA@mikrobsa.com.pl>…

Mauro Dias Ribeiro wrote:

if someone can help me how to i use my pcmcia card’s
on qnx
i have 2 card
1 - 3com noteworty 56k modem
2 - Ne2000 Compatible

in short:

  1. check a news articles from a few weeks backwards
  2. devp-pccard &
  3. pin and check io-addresses and irq’s
  4. start suitable driver with above parameters (e.g.
    slay io-net; /sbin/io-net -dne2000 -pttcpip &
  5. phlip

    Arkadiusz Benes