wheelmouse-driver/foreign keyboard-layout

so i installed the wheelmouse driver which works very fine with my microsoft intelli-eye mouse…

a problem with this new devi-hirun is that i have a german keyboard layout and everytime i restart photon, the keyboard is set back to US-layout, rather annoying.

what can i do to fix this?

thanks for helping,


[ http://elektrokrishna.tripod.com/ ]

dfkt wrote:

so i installed the wheelmouse driver which works very fine with my microsoft intelli-eye mouse…

I have same mouse and it seems to work fine too, but there is one
strange thing: wheel works both ways (up/down) in helpviewer, but only
one way (down) in Voyager. Weird.

a problem with this new devi-hirun is that i have a german keyboard layout and everytime i restart photon, the keyboard is set back to US-layout, rather annoying.

what can i do to fix this?

Seems like the ‘localization’ applet saves changes in appropriate config
files, but nobody cares to read and apply those changes on boot up. Same
problem with timezone for example.

  • igor

Previously, Igor Kovalenko wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:

dfkt wrote:

so i installed the wheelmouse driver which works very fine with my microsoft intelli-eye mouse…

I have same mouse and it seems to work fine too, but there is one
strange thing: wheel works both ways (up/down) in helpviewer, but only
one way (down) in Voyager. Weird.

in voyager it’s going both ways on my system, but in the filemanager it’s only going page down. …hm

a problem with this new devi-hirun is that i have a german keyboard layout and everytime i restart photon, the keyboard is set back to US-layout, rather annoying.

what can i do to fix this?

Seems like the ‘localization’ applet saves changes in appropriate config
files, but nobody cares to read and apply those changes on boot up. Same
problem with timezone for example.

so it’s again up to the skilled or unskilled (like me) individuals



[ http://elektrokrishna.tripod.com/ ]

Previously, Igor Kovalenko wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:

I have same mouse and it seems to work fine too

Seems like the ‘localization’ applet saves changes in appropriate config
files, but nobody cares to read and apply those changes on boot up. Same
problem with timezone for example.

do you have a russian keyboard? maybe the same problems?


[ http://elektrokrishna.tripod.com/ ]

Igor Kovalenko <Igor.Kovalenko@motorola.com> wrote:

dfkt wrote:

so i installed the wheelmouse driver which works very fine with my
microsoft intelli-eye mouse…

I have same mouse and it seems to work fine too, but there is one
strange thing: wheel works both ways (up/down) in helpviewer, but only
one way (down) in Voyager. Weird.

Does the PageUp key work in Voyager for you? It works both up and down
in voyager here.

a problem with this new devi-hirun is that i have a german keyboard
layout and everytime i restart photon, the keyboard is set back to
US-layout, rather annoying.

what can i do to fix this?

Does this still happen if you select something other than german, exit
photon, restart and then re-select German?

Seems like the ‘localization’ applet saves changes in appropriate config
files, but nobody cares to read and apply those changes on boot up. Same
problem with timezone for example.

Perhaps `nobody cares’ is a bad choice of words Igor. We care.

Previously, pete@qnx.com wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:

I have same mouse and it seems to work fine too, but there is one
strange thing: wheel works both ways (up/down) in helpviewer, but only
one way (down) in Voyager. Weird.

Does the PageUp key work in Voyager for you? It works both up and down
in voyager here.

in voyager PgUp works sometimes, not all the time… in vmail it works perfectly, though.
in abiword i noticed the same: it only goes down - no PgUp at any time.

a problem with this new devi-hirun is that i have a german keyboard
layout and everytime i restart photon, the keyboard is set back to
US-layout, rather annoying.

what can i do to fix this?

Does this still happen if you select something other than german, exit
photon, restart and then re-select German?

i noticed that this resetting does NOT happen if you boot up the qnx normally, with the GUI.

i booted up all the time using [exit to text mode] straight at the login window, so i can reset to textmode with [ctl+alt+shift+bksp] - and everytime i exit photon, the kbd-layout is reset to US, not when i logout to the graphical window.

i hope this helps,


[ http://elektrokrishna.tripod.com/ ]

Previously, dfkt wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:

Previously, Igor Kovalenko wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:
I have same mouse and it seems to work fine too

Seems like the ‘localization’ applet saves changes in appropriate config
files, but nobody cares to read and apply those changes on boot up. Same
problem with timezone for example.

do you have a russian keyboard? maybe the same problems?

ok, ok: never assume anything too fast! :slight_smile:
now i read somewhere else in this newsgroup that you aren’t
located in russia…


[ > http://elektrokrishna.tripod.com/ > ]


[ http://elektrokrishna.tripod.com/ ]

dfkt wrote:

Previously, dfkt wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:
Previously, Igor Kovalenko wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:
I have same mouse and it seems to work fine too

Seems like the ‘localization’ applet saves changes in appropriate config
files, but nobody cares to read and apply those changes on boot up. Same
problem with timezone for example.

do you have a russian keyboard? maybe the same problems?

ok, ok: never assume anything too fast! > :slight_smile:
now i read somewhere else in this newsgroup that you aren’t
located in russia…

But I still have russian (which actually means dual english/russian
layout) keyboard :slight_smile:

  • igor