

as longtime user of QNX4 I trapped myself switching of my RTP system
without shutdown first, as I’m used to do.
Is it as critical as M$ or other unix systems?

Friedhelm Schuetz
H. Kleinknecht & Co. GmbH

Friedhelm Schuetz wrote:


as longtime user of QNX4 I trapped myself switching of my RTP system
without shutdown first, as I’m used to do.
Is it as critical as M$ or other unix systems?

Friedhelm Schuetz
H. Kleinknecht & Co. GmbH

I don’t know about the filesystem, but I had a power loss while
downloading with the package manager and it appears to have royally
fouled it up. :stuck_out_tongue: reinstall (Not much of a pain since it only
takes a few minutes.)

Hi Friedhelm,

I suppose the easiest answer is, would there be a “shutdown” if it wasn’t
important? :slight_smile:

Not too sure how the Filesystem works in NTO, but lets assume
its pretty similar to that of QNX4. QNX4 Fsys (by default) doesn’t always
write the data (you just saved a file you were working on lets say) to the
hard disk right away. This is the -d option to Fsys (I may be incorrect,
as I heard this awhile ago as a passing mention by a co-worker). Fsys
has a queue system that stores the information to be written to the harddisk
when the time is right the appropriate driver is notified and it flushes the
queue to the hard disk.

More info on -d is found in the QNX4 utilities manual (A-M). So potentially
you could turn off your system before the Fsys module can flush the
queue to the disk, thus resulting in a data loss. Now this won’t always
happen, but its just not a good idea to just hit the power button.

This is just one example that I can think of, there may be more, I just
can’t think of anymore right now.

Hope this helps explain things.


Friedhelm Schuetz <> wrote:


as longtime user of QNX4 I trapped myself switching of my RTP system
without shutdown first, as I’m used to do.
Is it as critical as M$ or other unix systems?

Friedhelm Schuetz
H. Kleinknecht & Co. GmbH

Erick Muis <> wrote:

Hi Friedhelm,

There is a chkfsys in RTP