Linksys LNE100TX network card, can it work?

First, I’d like to state that I am completely new to QNX. I have Linksys
LNE100TX network card, just to let you know in case you read posts randomly
not paying attention to the subjects. Is there a way for me to use it in QNX
RTP? It’s boring there without my dear friend “Internet”. Also, there is no
“Devices” tab in my Network Cfg. I keep seeing references to the devices tab
in Network Cfg, but I don’t see any tab of the sort.

Puma Man <> wrote:

First, I’d like to state that I am completely new to QNX. I have Linksys
LNE100TX network card, just to let you know in case you read posts randomly
not paying attention to the subjects. Is there a way for me to use it in QNX
RTP? It’s boring there without my dear friend “Internet”. Also, there is no
“Devices” tab in my Network Cfg. I keep seeing references to the devices tab
in Network Cfg, but I don’t see any tab of the sort.

Go to and nab the current
UNOFFICAL tulip driver. Once you are booted do this (as root)…

mount -Tio-net

And you will get the ethernet config tab in Networking Config. You can
add that line in a file called /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Don’t forget to
“chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.local” before you reboot! :slight_smile:

chris > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL

OK…I got my internet connection working. I have a Linksys Cable/DSL Router
and it turns out i have to make my DHCP server, which is my
Routers IP address (and I have it enabled to be a DHCP server) and put the
ID as the DNS domain that my ISP gave me. Thanks for all the help. Now
everything works fine and it seems like I can download a lot faster in QNX
than in windows and load websites faster too.