QNX Networking and misterious CD-ROM drive disappearing

  1. Network
    I have some troubles setting up a network server with QNX RTP. Reading the
    on-line documentation I found availables some utilities like named, popper,
    and other services to add neutrino some network services like DNS, POP3,
    SMTP, FTP, WWW but don’t seem to exist in the system path.
    I would ask if it could be possible to make RTP a network server using the
    current pre-release distribution.

    I installed Neutrino starting from the QRTP cd-rom and all is gone without
    any problem. After set-up I can see both IDE hard-disk drives (even all the
    Windoz filesystems) on the first IDE channel and the CD-ROM drive (a Pioneer
    DVD ROM set as master) on the secondary IDE channel. Recently I added a
    second IDE CD-ROM drive (a Mustek CDRW set as slave) on the secondary IDE
    channel and from this point Neutrino can’t see neither the DVD ROM or the
    CDRW. Can anyone give me some explanations?
