Previously, Marcin Dzieciol wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:
“Alain Goyé” <>> > wrote:
Hello all,
I am new to gdb and trying to run it in DDD (also new for me).
It happens that in the gdb command line (inside ddd) I cannot type any
character other than letters, numbers, and a few others. No dot ( . ), no
slash ( / ), hence no way to give a pathname !
However in the basic (command line) gdb as well as in other photon
applications, the full keyboard works properly.
How about if you start “gdb”, do you experiance the same problems?
- “gdb” alone (in a terminal) works fine, I have the full keyboard.
- starting “gdb” in another terminal before I start ddd doesn’t help.
- I just installed nedit and… the same problem arises (characters can’t be typed in the edit window nor in the “open file” window…). Hence it seems to be Xphoton-specific ? (ped works fine)
But - sorry - I also forgot to say (you maybe guessed it ?): I use a french (“AZERTY”) keyboard…
Do I need to remap the keyboard in some DDD config file, or… ?
export the following environment varialables:
export XErrorDB=/usr/share/XErrorDB
export XKeysymDB=/usr/share/XKeysymDB
It did not seem to help.
When launching ddd from the terminal I get (with or without exporting the variables) the following messages:
Name: arg
Class: XmTextField
Character ‘\141’ not supported in font. Discarded.
Name: arg
Class: XmTextField
Character ‘\151’ not supported in font. Discarded.
Name: arg
Class: XmTextField
Character ‘\156’ not supported in font. Discarded.
gdb: cannot set terminal foreground process group: Inappropriate I/O control operation
… and a bench of similar messages when opening the File/Open window…
Sorry for disturbing if I could be more clever and find some answer alone…
Thanks !