Diamond SupraExpress 56i PRO

Does anyone know how to get the Diamond
SupraExpress 56i PRO (internal) to work?

Hi Robert,

Is the modem a Winmodem? is it PCI?


Robert Wall <robertwall@nitro15.co.uk> wrote:

Does anyone know how to get the Diamond
SupraExpress 56i PRO (internal) to work?

Previously, Erick Muis wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.newuser:

Hi Robert,

Is the modem a Winmodem? is it PCI?


Robert Wall <> robertwall@nitro15.co.uk> > wrote:
Does anyone know how to get the Diamond
SupraExpress 56i PRO (internal) to work?

I have the same modem and unfortunatly they are win-modems
This means, it will not work in RtP.