Secure Password Authentication to MSN and QNX Books

I’m a Microsoft Network user and MSN requires “Secure Password
Authentication” before I can connect.

Is this possible with QNX? I searched the support pages and came up empty.
If so, how would I configure QNX to handle this?

Also, are there any books available that I can read to understand more about
QNX and how it works?

Thanks in advance,

Bill Z.

Samba 2.0.7 supports encrypted passwords, and comes with an HTML version

of the O’Reilly Samba book (which will tell you a lot about how to
your windoze and QNX machines). As for general QNX programming stuff,
the book that is advertised in the helpviewer (getting started) would be

a good start :slight_smile:

-----Original Message-----
From: bill_zormeir []
Posted At: Thursday, February 22, 2001 10:54 AM
Posted To: newuser
Conversation: Secure Password Authentication to MSN and QNX Books
Subject: Secure Password Authentication to MSN and QNX Books

I’m a Microsoft Network user and MSN requires “Secure Password
Authentication” before I can connect.

Is this possible with QNX? I searched the support pages and came up
If so, how would I configure QNX to handle this?

Also, are there any books available that I can read to understand more
QNX and how it works?

Thanks in advance,

Bill Z.

MSN does NOT require SPA to connect!
Though it still will not connect in QNX!!!

(BeOS does not support SPA and these instructions work for BeOS and my
Newton MP2100, as well as my Palm)

For the curious…
How to install MSN as a dialup provider…

  1. Get an access number from your windoze partition…

  2. Set up a dialer profile as you would for any other DHCP connection…

  3. when prompted for a username, use MSN/
    (THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE for the prefix)

  4. Connect as any other provider, and use your normal MSN dialup password

See MS KB Q166090 MSN Support in Windows NT for more information


“bill_zormeir” <> wrote in message

I’m a Microsoft Network user and MSN requires “Secure Password
Authentication” before I can connect.

Is this possible with QNX? I searched the support pages and came up
If so, how would I configure QNX to handle this?

Also, are there any books available that I can read to understand more
QNX and how it works?

Thanks in advance,

Bill Z.