Linux binaries

Here is what I read in an article:

"QNX claims you can often port existing Linux applications simply by doing a
configure and build. QNX is also working on a port of lxrun, which will
allow Linux binaries to run on the QNX platform. "

Can anyone explain me what this really means? Can I directly ftp and use
linux binary files in QNX? Or do I have to recompile them?


“John Stone” <> wrote in message

Here is what I read in an article:

“QNX claims you can often port existing Linux applications simply by doing
configure and build”

Yes that means a recompile. configure is program that customize
feature of the program in an attempt to make it portable across
various Unix flavor.

QNX is also working on a port of lxrun, which will
allow Linux binaries to run on the QNX platform. "

Last I heard it was still work in progress.

Can anyone explain me what this really means?

yes :wink:

Can I directly ftp and use linux binary files in QNX?


Or do I have to recompile them?

Yes, some program will compile out of the box, other may required
major tweaking.


So is there some kind of standart that will help us know what will recompile
out of the box? For example, will a source code that I can compile on some
version of GNU gcc in Linux ALWAYS compile using the same version of gcc
ported to QNX?
When do general problems occur?


Or do I have to recompile them?

Yes, some program will compile out of the box, other may required
major tweaking.

John Stone <> wrote:
: So is there some kind of standart that will help us know what will recompile
: out of the box?

If the code follows POSIX standard and written in ANSI C, it should go
through fine.

: For example, will a source code that I can compile on some
: version of GNU gcc in Linux ALWAYS compile using the same version of gcc
: ported to QNX?

That depends, GNU/Linux and QNX/Neutrino uses GNU gcc as the default
compiler. For example, if you have some C++ code that can only compile
with gcc-2.8.x, you are brobably out of luck, since we do not ship it

: When do general problems occur?

Lots of code written for GNU/Linux makes some stupid assumptions
about the layout of structure like FILE *, dirent etc … GNU code
i.e. code distributed by GNU/FSF will stay clear.

: Thanks.

Best of luck.

:> > Or do I have to recompile them?
:> Yes, some program will compile out of the box, other may required
:> major tweaking.

Hi Mario,
Mario Charest <> wrote:
| > QNX is also working on a port of lxrun, which will
| > allow Linux binaries to run on the QNX platform. "
| Last I heard it was still work in progress.

Where (url or whatever) do I check if it’s finished (and where did you
check? :slight_smile:
