Hello all, im new in qnx, im doing a project, and i have a few questions, and sure there will be more.
The first one is: Can app builder V.2.01 can generate C++ code?
i think that it is possible, but i create a project then compiled it and the code it generated was in C, not C++, does any one of you knows where, or how i can generate C++ code?
anyway im doing the code in C, but could be very usefull to do it in C++
thanks very much.
And another question is with PtFileSel, i inserted a PtFileSel, it only shows the files “*.txt” for my project, and i have a buton “Change file to directory B”, and i need to move the selected file from directoryA to directoryB, the problem is that i dont really know how to select the files, cause the user wont have mouse to select them, he will use buttons called “Up” and “down”.