ASCII File Parser

Anyone know where I can get my hands on some public domain source code for a
generic ASCII file parser for files in the general format below



It wouldn’t be too hard to write one, but I’m looking for every possible
development time saving I can get on this project.

Chris Rose wrote:

Anyone know where I can get my hands on some public domain source code for a
generic ASCII file parser for files in the general format below



Built into the photon libs. See PxConfig* in the online help


I have a rather slick C++ class library for read/writing tag files.

Bill Caroselli – 1(626) 824-7983
Q-TPS Consulting

“Chris Rose” <> wrote in message

Anyone know where I can get my hands on some public domain source code for
generic ASCII file parser for files in the general format below



It wouldn’t be too hard to write one, but I’m looking for every possible
development time saving I can get on this project.

Hi Chris,

Don’t know if you still need some code to parse such file, but I join a
a func for it.
Today, I have no English doc but it’s quite simple and allow to analyse
indexed sections but not indexed keys such as parameter1, parameter2.

this done like that:

number of context = 3

a parameter = 1
another parameter = YES
a third parameter = 1.0

a parameter = 2
another parameter = NO
a third parameter = 1.0

a parameter = 1000
another parameter = NONE
a third parameter = 1.5

To declare the sections and parameters analysis, feel these structure:
const char *yes_no_enum[3] = {

// table of sections
const struct misc_cfg_section_datas
context_section_table[CONTEXT_SECTION_TABLE_SIZ] = {
{“GLOBAL”, GLOBAL_SECTION_SIZ, (struct misc_cfg_param_datas
{“CONTEXT#”, CONTEXT_SECTION_SIZ, (struct misc_cfg_param_datas

// table of GLOBAL keys
const struct misc_cfg_param_datas global_table[] = { // parameters tab
for the global section
{“number of context”, T_INT, (union misc_cfg_data_element)(-1),
(union misc_cfg_data_element *)&globalstruct.context_number, 0, (char
**)NULL, 0},

// table of CONTEXT keys
struct misc_cfg_param_datas context_table[] = { // parameters tab for
the motor section
{“a parameter”, T_INT, (union misc_cfg_data_element)(-1), (union
misc_cfg_data_element *)NULL, sizeof(context_t), (char **)NULL, 0},
{“a second parameter”, T_ENUM, (union misc_cfg_data_element)(2),
(union misc_cfg_data_element *)NULL, sizeof(context_t), (char
**)yes_no_enum, 3},
{“a third parameter”, T_DOUBLE, (union misc_cfg_data_element)(1.0),
(union misc_cfg_data_element *)NULL, sizeof(context_t), (char **)NULL, 0},

In your code, do:
misc_analyseGLOBAL((char *)configfile, (struct
misc_cfg_section_datas context_section_table(int)CONTEXT_SECTION_TABLE_SIZ);

After you need to allocate some memory space depending on the number of
sections you have.
ptr = calloc(globalstruct.context_number, sizeof(context_t));

and initialyse the correct storage pointer.
context_table[0].psave = (union misc_cfg_data_element
context_table[1].psave = (union misc_cfg_data_element
context_table[2].psave = (union misc_cfg_data_element

then you can analyse all the sections like that:
misc_configFileAnalyse((char *)configfile, (struct
misc_cfg_section_datas *)context_section_table,

I hope that I didn’t do to many errors in this email as I wrote it very
I can give you more precise infos if you are interested.

Chris Rose wrote:

Anyone know where I can get my hands on some public domain source code for a
generic ASCII file parser for files in the general format below



It wouldn’t be too hard to write one, but I’m looking for every possible
development time saving I can get on this project.