latest RTP CDROM

I would like to upgrade my QNX RTP OEM 08.08 installation to the latest
RTP stuff (presumably containing tons of bug fixes). I have downloaded
91MB OEM upgrade CDROM image, and also have gotmyself the CDROM
from the Embedded Systems Conf. Which one should I use ?


Andray Kaganovsky <> wrote:
: I would like to upgrade my QNX RTP OEM 08.08 installation to the latest
: RTP stuff (presumably containing tons of bug fixes). I have downloaded
: 91MB OEM upgrade CDROM image, and also have gotmyself the CDROM
: from the Embedded Systems Conf. Which one should I use ?

: Andray

I would use the downloaded ISO as it contains a more recent version
of pci-bios that had fixed a problem found in several machines.

Mike Shane