Network Printer

I have an HP LaserJet 5L connected to a Linux box and I like to print
from my QNX box to that.
There seems to be no easy and obvious way of setting up any printer,
local or network.
Could someone point my in the right direction, please.

Neil Kittipalo wrote:

I have an HP LaserJet 5L connected to a Linux box and I like to print
from my QNX box to that.
There seems to be no easy and obvious way of setting up any printer,
local or network.
Could someone point my in the right direction, please.

Good luck,

I asked the same question a couple of days ago, but either its so simple
nobody bothered to respond or nobody knew the answer…


Russell Petherick wrote:

Neil Kittipalo wrote:

I have an HP LaserJet 5L connected to a Linux box and I like to print
from my QNX box to that.
There seems to be no easy and obvious way of setting up any printer,
local or network.
Could someone point my in the right direction, please.

I asked the same question a couple of days ago, but either its so simple
nobody bothered to respond or nobody knew the answer…

I personally don’t know RTP (yet :wink: but it would sound like it’s
standard BSD-style printcap.

Russell Petherick <> wrote:

Neil Kittipalo wrote:

I have an HP LaserJet 5L connected to a Linux box and I like to print
from my QNX box to that.
There seems to be no easy and obvious way of setting up any printer,
local or network.
Could someone point my in the right direction, please.

This is an example of setting up a network printer. The example uses
ncftpput but you should be able to figure it out enough to get
lpd to work if you need to. It should also work with ncftpput.

  1. Copy the printer config file from the printer you would use and name
    it something else. This is important because if you edit the original
    file it will “spill” in the package file system and will not get any
    future updates (until you remove the spill file with pkg-ctl). Making a
    copy will avoid all that.

cp /etc/printers/ps.cfg /etc/printers/my_remote1.cfg

  1. Edit the new file and change the phs-to- line to read
    Filter = phs::phs-to- and add a filter that will read
    Filter = :$d:ncftpput


FileVersion = 2
Filter = ps:$d:ncftpput -V -E /prt0
Filter = phs:ps:phs-to-ps

3) Now start a new spooler wil the command line options:
-d -c -n

spooler -d/dev/null -cmy_remote1.cfg -nmy_remote1

This information was found in the Knowledge base at,
by searching on “printer” you found the following issue:

Good luck,

I asked the same question a couple of days ago, but either its so simple
nobody bothered to respond or nobody knew the answer…


Marcin Dzieciol
Technical Support
QNX Software Systems Ltd.
Email: <>

There is a section on printing in the RTP sys admin guide.

“Harri Haataja” <> wrote in

Russell Petherick wrote:
Neil Kittipalo wrote:

I have an HP LaserJet 5L connected to a Linux box and I
like to print
from my QNX box to that.
There seems to be no easy and obvious way of setting up
any printer,
local or network.
Could someone point my in the right direction, please.

I asked the same question a couple of days ago, but
either its so simple
nobody bothered to respond or nobody knew the answer…

I personally don’t know RTP (yet > :wink: > but it would sound
like it’s
standard BSD-style printcap.