NIC support equivalent to Net.via in QNX4.25?


This message was originally posted in qdn.public.qnxrtp.os without resposnse
and now trying the installation group.

nettrap could not find my network card under qnxrtp even though the same PC
has been working correctly under qnx4.25C and D using the Net.via driver.
nettrap on qnx4.25D correctly detected
the NIC.

PNP has always been disabled in the BIOS. Any suggestions? Please advise
too if the NIC will not be supported under qnxrtp so I could find something
that works under both QNX4.25 and qnxrtp.


ASG Automation Inc.
3400 Fourteenth Ave., Unit 22
Markham, ON, L3R 0H7


faith <> wrote:

nettrap could not find my network card under qnxrtp even though the same PC
has been working correctly under qnx4.25C and D using the Net.via driver.
nettrap on qnx4.25D correctly detected
the NIC.

The via driver is coming down the pipe but is not currently released for
Neutrino or the Realtime Platform.


\ > β€œThe faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL