Which NIC will work ?

I have 3 NICs:

  1. Linksys LNE100TX version 2.0
  2. 3Com 3C900-TPO
  3. D-Link DFE-530TX

I tried the Linksys (it was already in the computer) - no luck -
understandable since it is not mentioned in the “supported network
drivers” list.

I tried the 3C900-TPO next. It was recognized on boot,
and the TCP/IP stack loaded, but the indicator lamp on the switch did
not light. Perhaps I need to adjust some settings ?

I just bought the D-Link DFE-530TX, but haven’t opened
it yet, and want to know it will work before opening the package.

Any help appreciated.

Anonymous_999 wrote:

I have 3 NICs:

  1. Linksys LNE100TX version 2.0

I think this one can be made to work with the correct command line options.
The newer v4.x LNE100TX’s work, but you might still want to checkout
the unoffical update to the tulip driver with this card, you can find
this @ foundry27 : Welcome.

  1. 3Com 3C900-TPO

The current driver appears to be having some issues with this card. I have
one and it will be fixed! :slight_smile: There will probably be an unoffical update
for this one at the URL above soon…

  1. D-Link DFE-530TX

I am pretty sure this needs the yet unreleased devn-via.


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