
I have installed QRTP on a Pentium 266-based board with an on-board
CT69000 video controller. Running it at 800x600x16 turns it into a
486-class machine, and running it with 1024x768x16 renders the machine
more or less unusable. 800x600x24/32 fares better than 800x600x16. Even
in text mode, the lines scroll up nice and slow. Has anyone else
encountered this behavior ? Any suggestions ? Thanks.


I have QRTP running fine on a Pentium 166/C&T69000 at 1024x768x16.

Check if the video driver used by Photon is “chips_hiqv”.

Pavan Sikka <p.sikka@cat.csiro.au> wrote in message

I have installed QRTP on a Pentium 266-based board with an on-board
CT69000 video controller. Running it at 800x600x16 turns it into a
486-class machine, and running it with 1024x768x16 renders the machine
more or less unusable. 800x600x24/32 fares better than 800x600x16. Even
in text mode, the lines scroll up nice and slow. Has anyone else
encountered this behavior ? Any suggestions ? Thanks.


Pavan Sikka <p.sikka@cat.csiro.au> wrote:

I have installed QRTP on a Pentium 266-based board with an on-board
CT69000 video controller. Running it at 800x600x16 turns it into a
486-class machine, and running it with 1024x768x16 renders the machine
more or less unusable. 800x600x24/32 fares better than 800x600x16. Even
in text mode, the lines scroll up nice and slow. Has anyone else
encountered this behavior ? Any suggestions ? Thanks.

Can you tell us if it’s using VESA mode or if it’s actually using the
chips driver? Post the output of `pidin ar’

It seems to be using the chips driver.
Here’s the output of `pidin ar’:

pidin ar

pid Arguments
1 (n/a)
2 devc-con -n4
4099 pci-bios
4100 /sbin/tinit -p
4101 devb-eide blk auto=partition cam quiet eide dma eide dma
4102 fs-pkg -a/pkgs/base/safe-config/etc/system/package/packages
8199 slogger
12296 pipe
135177 dumper -d /var/dumps
77834 devc-ser8250 -u1 3f8,4 -u2 2f8,3
61451 devc-pty -n32
61452 mqueue
114701 devb-fdc cam quiet blk auto=partition,cache=100k
1847310 io-net -d speedo -ptcpip
1937423 -sh -c -sh
77840 devc-par -p0x378
1941521 in.telnetd -Q
192530 Photon -g -lphlogin “-Sphshutdown -l”
94227 spooler -d/dev/par1
266260 fontsleuth -d /usr/photon/font_repository
1941525 -sh
258070 /usr/photon/bin/phfontFA -d /usr/photon/font_repository -j -s
299031 io-graphics -g800x600x16 -dldevg-chips_hiqv.so -I0
2195480 /bin/sh /usr/bin/ph
315417 devi-hirun kbd fd -d/dev/kbd ps2 kb -2
2314266 pwm
2383899 shelf
2424860 bkgdmgr
1851421 inetd
2424862 wmswitch
2424863 saver
2449440 /nto/voyager/x86/bin/vserver
1753121 Xphoton -once
2449442 pterm
1437731 Xphoton -once
2449444 /bin/sh
2482213 in.telnetd -Q
2424870 voyager -u file:///usr/photon/welcome/rnote/index.html -D
hlmoprst -w 600 -h 400 -a -A
2482215 -sh
6819880 pidin ar

pete@qnx.com wrote:

Pavan Sikka <> p.sikka@cat.csiro.au> > wrote:

I have installed QRTP on a Pentium 266-based board with an on-board
CT69000 video controller. Running it at 800x600x16 turns it into a
486-class machine, and running it with 1024x768x16 renders the machine
more or less unusable. 800x600x24/32 fares better than 800x600x16. Even
in text mode, the lines scroll up nice and slow. Has anyone else
encountered this behavior ? Any suggestions ? Thanks.

Can you tell us if it’s using VESA mode or if it’s actually using the
chips driver? Post the output of `pidin ar’

Pavan Sikka <p.sikka@cat.csiro.au> wrote:

It seems to be using the chips driver.
Here’s the output of `pidin ar’:

pete@qnx.com > wrote:

Pavan Sikka <> p.sikka@cat.csiro.au> > wrote:

I have installed QRTP on a Pentium 266-based board with an on-board
CT69000 video controller. Running it at 800x600x16 turns it into a
486-class machine, and running it with 1024x768x16 renders the machine
more or less unusable. 800x600x24/32 fares better than 800x600x16. Even
in text mode, the lines scroll up nice and slow. Has anyone else
encountered this behavior ? Any suggestions ? Thanks.

Now when you say even in text mode, do you mean real text mode (no Photon
at all), or do you mean using a pterm inside Photon?

I just tried a CT69000 on a 200MHz Pentium-MMX, 32MB and it worked
fine. Did this board work properly with other OS?

Pavan Sikka <p.sikka@cat.csiro.au> wrote:

I have installed QRTP on a Pentium 266-based board with an on-board
CT69000 video controller. Running it at 800x600x16 turns it into a
486-class machine, and running it with 1024x768x16 renders the machine
more or less unusable. 800x600x24/32 fares better than 800x600x16. Even
in text mode, the lines scroll up nice and slow. Has anyone else
encountered this behavior ? Any suggestions ? Thanks.


Thanks for all the responses. It was my mistake:

The video BIOS can do both LCD and CRT. We dont have an LCD connected,
however, the BIOS was set to both. Setting it to AUTO seems to do the
trick, although it still wont do 1024x768 properly. Anyway, for the time
being, this will do the job.

We have been LynxOS users for a long time, primarily due to the POSIX
real-time support. Now that QNX provides this support, we are evaluating
QRTP for our use. LynxOS provides their version of X and that worked
well and didnt seem to be affected by this BIOS setting. We will
probably check out Xphoton as well…

Pavan Sikka
CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology Telephone: +61 7 3327 4652
Qld Centre for Advanced Technologies Facsimile: +61 7 3327 4455
Technology Court, Pullenvale QLD 4069 Email:
Postal: P O Box 883, Kenmore QLD 4069 Web: www.cat.csiro.au/cmst

Pavan Sikka wrote:

I have installed QRTP on a Pentium 266-based board with an on-board
CT69000 video controller. Running it at 800x600x16 turns it into a
486-class machine, and running it with 1024x768x16 renders the machine
more or less unusable. 800x600x24/32 fares better than 800x600x16. Even
in text mode, the lines scroll up nice and slow. Has anyone else
encountered this behavior ? Any suggestions ? Thanks.
