Does DHCP client work with the "big" tcp/ip stack?

I think I’ve scoured all of the right place (QDN, these newgroups, docs in
helpviewer, etc.), but I still can’t figure out, for the life of me, whether
the “dhcp.client” application is supposed to work with the big tcpip stack.

My particular problem is that I want to run Samba, and it requires that I
use the big stack. Trouble is that everything works fine (DNS resolution,
routes, etc.) with tiny stack, but when I put in the big stack, I can get
DNS resoluton and ping the gateway, but I get no routing to sites outside of
my subnet (/ domain).

– Kevin

With further experimentation, I have determined that it appears that
dhcp.client does, in fact, work with the big stack.

My problem was that netmanager was starting dhcp.client with a -m flag,
which doesn’t appear to work with the big stack.

I’ve created a /etc/rc.d/rc.local file like this:

echo Finalizing networking configuration…
slay io-net >/dev/null 2>&1
slay dhcp.client >/dev/null 2>&1
nettrap -ptcpip start
waitfor /dev/socket

It seems kinda lame that I’d need to do this, so if anyone has any tips on
how to stop netmanager from running, or how to get it to not “screw up”
dhcp’s route / DNS configuration by running with -m, I’m all ears.

This slows down my bootup (due to the waitfor…) by several seconds.


– Kevin

“Kevin Kahl” <> wrote in message

I think I’ve scoured all of the right place (QDN, these newgroups, docs in
helpviewer, etc.), but I still can’t figure out, for the life of me,
the “dhcp.client” application is supposed to work with the big tcpip

My particular problem is that I want to run Samba, and it requires that I
use the big stack. Trouble is that everything works fine (DNS resolution,
routes, etc.) with tiny stack, but when I put in the big stack, I can get
DNS resoluton and ping the gateway, but I get no routing to sites outside
my subnet (/ domain).

– Kevin