Making /etc not group writable

While setting up sendmail for QNXRTP (custom I tried to
make /etc not group writable, but that is not possible. The error mes-
sage is:

/etc: Not supported

What can I do - sendmail is complaining?

Regards - Jochen

Jochen Schneider, Inform. Engin., Univ. of Applied Sciences Hamburg
Mail: Jochen.Schneider@–NOSPAM–

DS-Labor <> wrote:

While setting up sendmail for QNXRTP (custom I tried to
make /etc not group writable, but that is not possible. The error mes-
sage is:

/etc: Not supported

What can I do - sendmail is complaining?

Unfortunately you can’t modify this directories attributes because
it is part of the package filesystem. This means that it is
inheriting the attributes from one of a number of packages that
provide an /etc directory. As an administrator you can go and
change the permissions/owernerships of the actual packages
themselves to reflect the appropriate permissions and owners
for your system. This is something that should be done by
all administrators and will hopefully be explained in more
detail in the System Administrators guide.

It is also an issue that we will look at addressing in a future
revision of the package filesystem.
