Matrox g450

I’m trying to get my Matrox g450 configured under the newest (Jan18 )
qnxRTP. Whenever it I use phgraphx to set the up my card using the matroxg
driver instead of the vesa driver my monitor quickly displays an out of
range message. My monitor supports vertical refresh of 85Hz at 1600x1200
and I’m only trying for 60Hz at 1024x768. It may be that the program is
setting the horizontal refresh too high but I see no option to change that.
Any help would be greatlky appreciated.

Hi Kaiton,

At this time we are currently working on supporting the G450 chipset. We
hope to have this done in the near future.

So unfortunatly at this time the VESA driver will have to be used.

However the Graphics DDK has been released as a public beta, if yourself or
another member of the community would like to attempt to create the
driver then you could. The ddk’s can be found here:

or with the Package manager

Add new Repository:

id: ddkbeta
pass: ddkbeta


Kaiton Williams <> wrote:

I’m trying to get my Matrox g450 configured under the newest (Jan18 )
qnxRTP. Whenever it I use phgraphx to set the up my card using the matroxg
driver instead of the vesa driver my monitor quickly displays an out of
range message. My monitor supports vertical refresh of 85Hz at 1600x1200
and I’m only trying for 60Hz at 1024x768. It may be that the program is
setting the horizontal refresh too high but I see no option to change that.
Any help would be greatlky appreciated.