how to install QNX on iPAQ


I wan’t to install QNX on my iPAQ. How shall i do that?


Hanno Rein <> wrote:


I wan’t to install QNX on my iPAQ. How shall i do that?

Wait a little while longer.

chris > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL

Previously, Hanno Rein wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.installation:


I wan’t to install QNX on my iPAQ. How shall i do that?

The iPAQ runs on a StrongARM cpu, not an x86 cpu. I think you’d need to be a member of a beta program to have access to the StrongARM version of Neutrino.

My iPAQ will be deWinCEd soon, and oh, it will truly be a glorious day when this comes to pass. :sunglasses:

Cheers - Tony ‘Nicoya’ Mantler :slight_smile:

Tony Mantler | Proud ---- Days since the last
QNX Consulting | of our | 27 | | Record ---- “Gerbil Incident”