qnx reboots computer

I installed QNXRTP in a PC Pentium MMX 166, 64Mb RAM, 2 HD of 2G, in Windows
98 and in the first HD (I’ve read installing in the 2nd HD may cause
problems). After selecting QNX (or QNX without DMA, it doesn’t matter)
following messages appear:

Press the space bar to input boot options
Detected EIDE. Scanning for devices
This can take up to 30 seconds…

After a few seconds the computer reboots. I have not managed to start QNX
even once after installing it. I have also tried to start in Verbose mode
(pressing the space bar) but have not time to read the messages to see when
it fails before the computer reboots.

Any idea?

Thank you

Hi Javier,

What type of system are you running? Is it a Dell P4?

What happens when you disable the enumerators? does that help
at all? What is the output when you boot using the verbose flag?
(press space at bootup for all these options).


Javier Piedrafita <fjpiedrafita@ita.es> wrote:

I installed QNXRTP in a PC Pentium MMX 166, 64Mb RAM, 2 HD of 2G, in Windows
98 and in the first HD (I’ve read installing in the 2nd HD may cause
problems). After selecting QNX (or QNX without DMA, it doesn’t matter)
following messages appear:

Press the space bar to input boot options
Detected EIDE. Scanning for devices
This can take up to 30 seconds…

After a few seconds the computer reboots. I have not managed to start QNX
even once after installing it. I have also tried to start in Verbose mode
(pressing the space bar) but have not time to read the messages to see when
it fails before the computer reboots.

Any idea?

Thank you

Hi Erick

What type of system are you running? Is it a Dell P4?

It’s a PC with a the following features:

-Motherboard: KM-T5-T1 Intel Triton TX Rev 1.6
-BIOS: Award Modular v4.56PG
-2 modules of SIMM 32MB EDO-RAM
-Video card: Matrox MGA Mystique
-2 Quantum HD of 2.1GB

What happens when you disable the enumerators? does that help
at all? What is the output when you boot using the verbose flag?
(press space at bootup for all these options).

I’ve tried to disable all the enumerators and it doesn’t help at all. The
same result when I disable drivers flags. When I use the verbose flag I
hardly get to read the messages before rebooting, I got to read several
messages of “mounting…” and the 3 last ones are

Remounting ???
Remounting ???
Starting ???

then the computer reboots


My embedded PC system (dimmpc from www.jumptec.de) does the same thing if I
don’t go into BIOS and set a feature called “SCP Emulation” to DISABLED.
There is information about this in my BIOS manual:

SCP Emulation
The ELAN SC400 does not support an A20GATE and RESETCPU input pin.This
inputs are typically driven
by the external SCP (system control port) in response to a command request
that is issued by the main cpu.
If enabled, the A20GATE and RESETCPU command sequence are detected by
internal logic, and the
appropriate action is taken. If disabled, A20GATE and RESETCPU control must
be done via port 92h (fast
GATE A20 and fast CPU RESET). Some OSes can’t be started if enabled (QNX,
NOTE: If disabled, the machine type is 2! This is a parameter for HIMEM.SYS

I think in your machine BIOS you’re going to want to set FastA20 Gate to OFF
or something similar. Hope that helps.


Jason A. Farqué
CDI at http://www.pigging.com/

“Javier Piedrafita” <fjpiedrafita@ita.es> wrote in message

I installed QNXRTP in a PC Pentium MMX 166, 64Mb RAM, 2 HD of 2G, in
98 and in the first HD (I’ve read installing in the 2nd HD may cause
problems). After selecting QNX (or QNX without DMA, it doesn’t matter)
following messages appear:

Press the space bar to input boot options
Detected EIDE. Scanning for devices
This can take up to 30 seconds…

After a few seconds the computer reboots. I have not managed to start QNX
even once after installing it. I have also tried to start in Verbose mode
(pressing the space bar) but have not time to read the messages to see
it fails before the computer reboots.

Any idea?

Thank you

I think in your machine BIOS you’re going to want to set FastA20 Gate to
or something similar. Hope that helps.


Hi Jason

Thank you very much for your message, but I haven’t found anytning in my
BIOS (Award Modular 4.51p) about this and about SCP emulation.
