Dialer fails miserably when connected to MSN.. esp under 6.1

When trying to connect to MSN, dialer starts up PPPD then fails… I think
its due to the fact that MSN doesnt support LCP Extensions to PPP… I
couldnt find anywhere to disable this in Dialer, as one would do in

For the curious…
How to install MSN as a dialup provider…

  1. Get an access number from your windoze partition…

  2. Set up a dialer profile as you would for any other DHCP connection…

  3. when prompted for a username, use MSN/
    (THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE for the prefix)

  4. Connect as any other provider, and use your normal MSN dialup password

See MS KB Q166090 MSN Support in Windows NT for more information


John Palaima <jolt@msn.com> wrote:

When trying to connect to MSN, dialer starts up PPPD then fails… I think
its due to the fact that MSN doesnt support LCP Extensions to PPP… I
couldnt find anywhere to disable this in Dialer, as one would do in

Can you run phdialer -d in a pterm, try to connect the MSN, and
after it failed, post/send me the syslog output or the output in
dialer’s “goto terminal” window.

I suspect this is a pppd bug we discovered after the release :frowning:
If you wish, you could also try:

  1. Download a fixed pppd at http://staff.qnx.com/xtang/repository/pppd

  2. copy it to /usr/sbin

  3. chown root.bin /usr/sbin/pppd

  4. chmod a+x,u+s /usr/sbin/pppd

  5. rerun the phdialer see if it works for you.


For the curious…
How to install MSN as a dialup provider…

  1. Get an access number from your windoze partition…

  2. Set up a dialer profile as you would for any other DHCP connection…

  3. when prompted for a username, use MSN/<userid
    (THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE for the prefix)

  4. Connect as any other provider, and use your normal MSN dialup password

See MS KB Q166090 MSN Support in Windows NT for more information
