Drive mounts in reverse order.. Grrr

Hey does anyone know why QNX sets the drive mounts for DOS in the wrong
order? I have

Partition 1 and 2… Fat 32
Partition 3 BeOS
Partition 4 QNX…

under /fs/ QNX sees Partition 2 as Dos-0 and Partition 1 as Dos-1… Any way
to switch them around…



I think there’s a way to disable the automatic enumeration of drives although
I’ve never bothered to find out how to do it. Unfortunately we don’t (yet)
have any analogy to the /etc/fstab or /etc/vfstab file. In my rc.local I have

umount mount | grep hd0t79.1 | cut -d' ' -f3
mount /dev/hd0t79.1 /export/home

because I have two type 79 partitions and it automatically mounts one of them
under /fs. So, if you wanted to do this, you could unmount them in your
scripts and remount them under whichever names you like (c-dos, d-dos?).


John Palaima <> wrote:

Hey does anyone know why QNX sets the drive mounts for DOS in the wrong
order? I have

Partition 1 and 2… Fat 32
Partition 3 BeOS
Partition 4 QNX…

under /fs/ QNX sees Partition 2 as Dos-0 and Partition 1 as Dos-1… Any way
to switch them around…



Kris Warkentin
(613)591-0836 x9368
“You’re bound to be unhappy if you optimize everything” - Donald Knuth