/usr/include locked out???


I can’t seem to do anything with this folder. I have a custom header file
which I usually
throw in there and it works fine on my 6.0 but using a fresh 6.1 install I
get tons of
errors trying to cp it in there as root. I can’t even change permissions of
the folder
as root.

I thought root was God?

Hi Lee,

Are you using the 6.1 beta or the GA release?
I think I remember hearing about similar problems in the intial beta.
Try downloading the GA if you haven’t already.



Lee R. Copp <Lee.R.Copp@michiganscientific.com> wrote:


I can’t seem to do anything with this folder. I have a custom header file
which I usually
throw in there and it works fine on my 6.0 but using a fresh 6.1 install I
get tons of
errors trying to cp it in there as root. I can’t even change permissions of
the folder
as root.

I thought root was God?

It’s a problem with the DDK’s - deactivate them, and /usr/include gets

Hardware Support Account <hw@qnx.com> wrote:

Hi Lee,

Are you using the 6.1 beta or the GA release?
I think I remember hearing about similar problems in the intial beta.
Try downloading the GA if you haven’t already.



Lee R. Copp <> Lee.R.Copp@michiganscientific.com> > wrote:

I can’t seem to do anything with this folder. I have a custom header file
which I usually
throw in there and it works fine on my 6.0 but using a fresh 6.1 install I
get tons of
errors trying to cp it in there as root. I can’t even change permissions of
the folder
as root.

I thought root was God?


Are you using the 6.1 beta or the GA release?
I think I remember hearing about similar problems in the intial beta.
Try downloading the GA if you haven’t already.

I downloaded the *.iso on 7 July 2001 and did a clean install of
all the x86 stuff.

Whats GA?

It’s a problem with the DDK’s - deactivate them, and /usr/include gets

I’m not really doing anything with the DDKs right now anyway but that
seems rather weird to lockout access to a pretty important folder for
programming just because I want to program…



GA is General Availability, if you downloaded on July 7th then you have the GA.
Colin’s suggestion should solve this lock out problem.



Lee R. Copp <Lee.R.Copp@michiganscientific.com> wrote:

Are you using the 6.1 beta or the GA release?
I think I remember hearing about similar problems in the intial beta.
Try downloading the GA if you haven’t already.

I downloaded the *.iso on 7 July 2001 and did a clean install of
all the x86 stuff.

Whats GA?

Lee R. Copp <Lee.R.Copp@michiganscientific.com> wrote:

It’s a problem with the DDK’s - deactivate them, and /usr/include gets

I’m not really doing anything with the DDKs right now anyway but that
seems rather weird to lockout access to a pretty important folder for
programming just because I want to program…

Well, it’s not intentional! ;v)


Lee R. Copp <Lee.R.Copp@michiganscientific.com> wrote:

It’s a problem with the DDK’s - deactivate them, and /usr/include gets

I’m not really doing anything with the DDKs right now anyway but that
seems rather weird to lockout access to a pretty important folder for
programming just because I want to program…

It is a bug which managed to slip through un-noticed. You
can work around the problem by doing the following:

mkdir /
mkdir /usr
mkdir /usr/include

This has been fixed internally but is not in the release.


Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems
thomasf@qnx.com Neutrino Development Group
(613)-591-0931 http://www.qnx.com/~thomasf


I am pushing it, I know…, but… errr… when is the next release
comming out? :slight_smile:

Just kidding, we can live with this and other thingies…

Thanks for the hard work.



P.S. if only I could get the Dinkum libs to cooperate…

thomasf@qnx.com wrote:

Lee R. Copp <> Lee.R.Copp@michiganscientific.com> > wrote:
It’s a problem with the DDK’s - deactivate them, and /usr/include gets

I’m not really doing anything with the DDKs right now anyway but that
seems rather weird to lockout access to a pretty important folder for
programming just because I want to program…

It is a bug which managed to slip through un-noticed. You
can work around the problem by doing the following:

mkdir /
mkdir /usr
mkdir /usr/include

This has been fixed internally but is not in the release.


Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems
thomasf@qnx.com > Neutrino Development Group
(613)-591-0931 > http://www.qnx.com/~thomasf

my opinions are mine, only mine, solely mine, and they are not related
in any possible way to the institution(s) in which I study and work.

Miguel Simon
Research Engineer
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
University of Oklahoma