Mouse problems with S3 video

Iv just downloaded QNX and tried to install it on my P133 with a S3
videocard and a serial mouse.
The installation works great but when the system boots up it shows the
graphicmode selection screen. When I change to another mode it switch
mode okey and start cthe countdown for acceptance. Problem is I dont
have any mousepointer to click with, nor cant I find out how to use the
keyboard (is there a way ??).
When the timeout is over the screen switch back to the mode-selection
and the mouse pointer is working again.
Can someone give me some hint.

Unfortunately right now I don’t have the same hardware configuration like
you, so it is difficult to repeat your test precisely. Tried to change
graphics mode at he installed system using serial mouse, but didn’t find any
problem. Do you also unable to work with keyboard/mouse when you try to
change graphics mode after installation finished?

“Zid Alagazam” <> wrote in message

Iv just downloaded QNX and tried to install it on my P133 with a S3
videocard and a serial mouse.
The installation works great but when the system boots up it shows the
graphicmode selection screen. When I change to another mode it switch
mode okey and start cthe countdown for acceptance. Problem is I dont
have any mousepointer to click with, nor cant I find out how to use the
keyboard (is there a way ??).
When the timeout is over the screen switch back to the mode-selection
and the mouse pointer is working again.
Can someone give me some hint.

Hi Zid,

Could you please download the script located at my home site here:

Save it on your system and as root ‘chmod +x’ the file, then run
it. Then send us the output from the file.



Zid Alagazam <> wrote:

Iv just downloaded QNX and tried to install it on my P133 with a S3
videocard and a serial mouse.
The installation works great but when the system boots up it shows the
graphicmode selection screen. When I change to another mode it switch
mode okey and start cthe countdown for acceptance. Problem is I dont
have any mousepointer to click with, nor cant I find out how to use the
keyboard (is there a way ??).
When the timeout is over the screen switch back to the mode-selection
and the mouse pointer is working again.
Can someone give me some hint.