I really need some help here :(

Ok first let me say I’m really new to the world of QNX and I primarly
live in a Windows and Apple world. Well I need to venture here now…
I grabbed the RTP of QNX and loadded it on to my AMD1.2 Ghz Athlon
with 256Mb Ram, Gave it 800Mb of space to play in and have a GForce
2Mx 400 w/64Mb Ram Video card and a Fortizimo Suround Sound card and a
D-Link DFE-538TX/R Nic. Now here are the questions that the answers to
can possibly make my life great…

1.) How do I setup the Nic to connect and share files on my Windows Me
based lan?

2.) How do I connect as a client to a windows Me box running ICS so
the QNX box can surf the internet?

3.) How do I get QNX to see my sound card, it can emulate an SB card
but Currently I have no sound in QNX.

Oh yea all cards are PCI Except for the video it’s AGP and QNX sees it
as a TNT card…

Any help would be hot…

Richard Morton
Perplexed but keen supporter of QNX…

Hi Richard,

Richard Morton <rmorton@csolve.net> wrote:

Ok first let me say I’m really new to the world of QNX and I primarly
live in a Windows and Apple world. Well I need to venture here now…
I grabbed the RTP of QNX and loadded it on to my AMD1.2 Ghz Athlon
with 256Mb Ram, Gave it 800Mb of space to play in and have a GForce
2Mx 400 w/64Mb Ram Video card and a Fortizimo Suround Sound card and a
D-Link DFE-538TX/R Nic. Now here are the questions that the answers to
can possibly make my life great…

1.) How do I setup the Nic to connect and share files on my Windows Me
based lan?

Look into SAMBA, or NFS. Those will allow you to share files.

Info on NFS:


2.) How do I connect as a client to a windows Me box running ICS so
the QNX box can surf the internet?

Not familiar with ICS, so I am not sure what to do with it.

3.) How do I get QNX to see my sound card, it can emulate an SB card
but Currently I have no sound in QNX.

Please post the output of ‘pci -vvv’ when run as the root user.



Oh yea all cards are PCI Except for the video it’s AGP and QNX sees it
as a TNT card…

Any help would be hot…

Richard Morton
Perplexed but keen supporter of QNX…