package installer


In the packages manager, when I push the “QNX CDRom repository " button, a
window prompt to tell me "
unable to acces repository” and “possible reason: this location does not
contain a repository please ensure the URL is correct.”

I push on the “add " button and I insert this URL: /fs/cd0/. I click “done”
and I click on the new line I just created.
At this moment, the window of the package manager change and in the
description field, I can read " please select a package or a topic from the
tree on the left” BUT there is no tree!!!

Maybe it’s not the right URL or I have to reinstall everything…

Again, sorry for my english, I hope it’s possible to understand



Go to a terminal and make sure you can navigate to the CD drive:

cd /fs/cd0

If not, you have to mount your CD-ROM drive.

Also, remember that the repository location for pkg-installer is
/fs/cd0/repository, not /fs/cd0.

Jerry Chappell

“arno stoum” <> wrote in message


In the packages manager, when I push the “QNX CDRom repository " button, a
window prompt to tell me "
unable to acces repository” and “possible reason: this location does not
contain a repository please ensure the URL is correct.”

I push on the “add " button and I insert this URL: /fs/cd0/. I click
and I click on the new line I just created.
At this moment, the window of the package manager change and in the
description field, I can read " please select a package or a topic from
tree on the left” BUT there is no tree!!!

Maybe it’s not the right URL or I have to reinstall everything…

Again, sorry for my english, I hope it’s possible to understand



There is no problem to navigate on the CD with the file manager and in
/fs/cd0/repository, it tells me “This location does not contain a

I don’t know what to do anymore…

It makes two days I m trying to install these packages…



There is a problem with my laptop!!! I read that somebody else had the
same problem one year ago…
I just copied the files from the repository directory of the CDROM to my
hard drive and I pointed the packet installer to this directory. But I
could only read 635 files from the CD directory instead of more than 1000…
I hope what I need is in there…

I downloaded an other 422Mb CD and I’ll try to know if it’s a problem of CD
or drive…

Thanks anyway for your answers :slight_smile: