Wenge wrote:
Jerry Chappell wrote:
I don’t have a good answer for you. But I have tried to install that package
and had the same problem. It’s a very old package, which is not very well
composed. On the screen showing the unsatisfied dependencies, it’s possible
to hit the install button anyway, but the packages will be installed as
inactive, and they probably wouldn’t work anyway.
Someone else will have to tell you where to find a good Phinx package,
including XPhoton.
Jerry Chappell
Thanx anyway, Jerry…
…Hey QNX boys! … some hints ??
Thanks in advance!
Here’s how it’s done…
Create a directory - I named mine /usr/X11R6.6.1/lib
and put the following libraries and directories from a 6.1
installation into it:
X11/ libX11.so.6 libXmu.so.6 liboldX.so.6
lib/ libXIE.so.6 libXp.so. libsocket.so.1
libICE.so.6 libXaw.so.6 libXpm.so.4
libMrm.so.1 libXext.so.6 libXt.so.6
libPEX5.so.6 libXi.so.6 libXtst.so.6
libSM.so.6 libXm.so.1 libc.so.1
I have made no effort to determine how many of these libraries
are actually necessary. Notice that libsocket.so.1 and libc.so.1
both came from /lib, not from /usr/X11R6/lib.
Copy the file /usr/lib/ldqnx.so.1 from a 6.1 installation into
the /usr/lib directory.
Install the phinx package. When it takes you to the “missing
dependencies” screen, click the install button quickly to go
on and install the package in disabled mode.
Edit the file: /etc/system/package/packages
and add the line
above the existing line
Start the odl package manager and use the file menu item
“Restart the package filesystem”.
Create a shell alias or a shell script (I named mine “phx”)
like this:
alias phx=‘LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6.6.1/lib /usr/photon/bin/phinx
-geometry 1020x744+0+0’
Now to run phinx, use the phx alias.