package installation problems using qpkadd.bat on a WinNT de

I am struggling with installing the input ddk, perhaps someone can help me?


Background information follows.

My comments are denoted by “##”, command line output has no “##”.

I have never used or installed packages before.

I am interested in using io-char, which I found requires that I need to

obtain and install the input Driver Development Kit.

I am developing on a Windows box, my target is x86 QNX 6.1.0

I found and downloaded the package and the manifest files

from the repository at

input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpk (the package)

input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpm (the manifest)

Then I needed to install them.

The first thing I tried was to see if there was any obvious

“depackager” utility in my windows command line tool directory:


I tried “pkgextractor.exe” and “pkglister.exe”, using pkglister.exe resulted in:

C:\qnxsdk\updates\input ddk 6.1.0>pkglister input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpm
Unable to obtain licenses from C:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\pkgs\licenses. Please enter the
path of the license file or to continue:

Name: Input DDK
Description: QNX Source CVS repository for Input DDK
Installed Size: 1817141
Licence Class: (none)
install package? (Y/n/a) Y
gzread: input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpk: invalid block type

C:\qnxsdk\updates\input ddk 6.1.0>

C:\qnxsdk\updates\input ddk 6.1.0>pkglister input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpm
Unable to obtain licenses from C:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\pkgs\licenses. Please enter the
path of the license file or to continue:
package input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpk already installed

C:\qnxsdk\updates\input ddk 6.1.0>

After this completed, I couldn’t find any file io-char (no help file, no header file, no library…)

in my directory tree starting at c:\qnxsdk\qnxsdk - did the installation really work?

the warning “gzread: input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpk: invalid block type” concerns me.

Is the package unreadable? I downloaded it twice, but the files compared the same.

I then looked more carefully at the online documentation, istallation notes

specifically for the Consumer Source Kit at

and learned about the qpkadd.bat utility. So I tried that, after placing my input ddk files in the

specified location in c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\qpk:

QPK Installation
ECHO is off.

Now installing QPK Files
ECHO is off.

A subdirectory or file c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs already exists.
A subdirectory or file c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\qpk already exists

A subdirectory or file c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\extract already ex

Here are the Install loacations:

Packages c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\qpk*
Target c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\target\qnx6
Packages Files c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\packages
TMPDIR c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\extract

Name: Input DDK
Description: QNX Source CVS repository for Input DDK
Installed Size: 1817141
Licence Class: (none)
gzread: c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\qpk\input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpk: inva
lid block type
Open configuration [c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\packages]
Building directory in [c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\target\qnx6]
This may take several minutes…

Install Finished
ECHO is off.

If you wish to install additional QPK files you must do the following:
ECHO is off.

  • Delete c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\packages
  • Delete c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\extract*
  • Delete c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\qpk*
  • Copy new qpk/qpm files to c:\qnxsdk\QNXsdk\host\win32…\pkgs\qpk\
  • Run qpkadd.bat

After this completed, I still couldn’t find any file io-char (no help file, no header file, no library…)

in my directory tree starting at c:\qnxsdk\qnxsdk

I still get the warning “gzread: input-ddk-6.1.0-qnx.qpk: invalid block type”.

What am I doing wrong?

Tony Nordstrom