The passwd command tells me I need to update /etc/group
which I’ve done.
It seems to add users, change password, create directories,
but those users can’t log-in, the password for root does
not change from null, and if a user, and all record of him,
is deleted and re-created, passwd STILL insists the group
doesn’t exist !
I do find that /pkgs/os/core/etc/group ( I know, the path
isn’t quite correct ) cannot be saved with changes, and that
this seems to be the file the system is using, and not the
one in /etc
Momentics NC
Sorry, but I’m confused ???
This all seemed to work in 6.1a
What am I not doing correctly ?
I can install packages for root ( phPostal and such ), and
they work, but cannot change root’s password, even though
the entries do show up in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
can’t su to a user, even if that user is in all the normally
appropiate files.
Admittedly, the hardware I’m testing this on is junk, but
that shoudln’t affect anything ???
volcano, n.:
A mountain with hiccups.