QNX 6.2 NC - Bootfile and Sysinit


how can i change the bootfile in the NC edition ? And which sysinit file is
started after
the bootfile ?

I have several problems:

While booting, after the message “Press the space bar to input boot
options:” get i the lines with the error message “Unable to allocate
resource: Invalid argument”.

Which resason have this ?

And i have a two ethernet cards, whcih are not detected by the configuration
tool in Photon:

  • Intel 21040 based PCI card
  • Realtek 8139 based PCI card

If i slay the io-net, and start it manually with the rtl module and the
tcpip module, all works fine.

Where can i add the io-net command, that it is started while booting ?

Where can i get info’s about sysinit file, because i didn’t find anything in
the help ?

Best regards


While booting, after the message “Press the space bar to input boot
options:” get i the lines with the error message “Unable to allocate
resource: Invalid argument”.

Which resason have this ?

That one I am not sure of…

And i have a two ethernet cards, whcih are not detected by the configuration
tool in Photon:

  • Intel 21040 based PCI card
  • Realtek 8139 based PCI card

If i slay the io-net, and start it manually with the rtl module and the
tcpip module, all works fine.

Where can i add the io-net command, that it is started while booting ?

io-net is always started when booting. If you run “pidin -p io-net mem”
when you first boot up there are no devn entries in the output?

Where can i get info’s about sysinit file, because i didn’t find anything in
the help ?

Besides reading /etc/system/sysinit, I am not sure there is much else in
terms of docs today.


Chris McKillop <cdm@qnx.com> “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Software Engineer, QSSL – Lewis Carroll –

Hello Chris,

That one I am not sure of…
I get three lines with the error message "Unable to allocate resource:

Invalid argument".

Which part of the QNX boot process is running at that moment ? Is that the
bootfile ?

Where can i find the “makefile” for that bootfile, which is used by mkifs ?
I know, that i can’t change the bootfile in the NC version, but i would like
to find the reason of the error …

If you run “pidin -p io-net mem” when you first boot up there are no devn
entries in the output?

Are there normally the devn-divers listed ?

From “pidin -p io-net mem” i get the following output:
pid tid name prio STATE code data
77839 1 sbin/io-net 10o SIGWAITINFO 56K 428K
77839 2 sbin/io-net 10o RECEIVE 56K 428K 4096(68K)
77839 3 sbin/io-net 10o RECEIVE 56K 428K 4096(68K)
77839 4 sbin/io-net 10o RECEIVE 56K 428K 4096(68K)
77839 5 sbin/io-net 10o RECEIVE 56K 428K 4096(68K)
77839 6 sbin/io-net 20o RECEIVE 56K 428K 4096(132K)
77839 7 sbin/io-net 21r RECEIVE 56K 428K 4096(132K)
77839 8 sbin/io-net 21r RECEIVE 56K 428K 8192(132K)

Now, the network run after boot, but i can’t understand why, because i
didn’t change any config-file … I only slayed the io-net and started it
Saves the io-net its current arguments to a file, which it uses at the next
reboot ?

Thank you very much for your help !

----- Original Message -----
From: “Chris McKillop” <cdm@qnx.com>
Newsgroups: qdn.public.qnxrtp.installation
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2003 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: QNX 6.2 NC - Bootfile and Sysinit

While booting, after the message “Press the space bar to input boot
options:” get i the lines with the error message “Unable to allocate
resource: Invalid argument”.

Which resason have this ?

That one I am not sure of…

And i have a two ethernet cards, whcih are not detected by the
tool in Photon:

  • Intel 21040 based PCI card
  • Realtek 8139 based PCI card

If i slay the io-net, and start it manually with the rtl module and the
tcpip module, all works fine.

Where can i add the io-net command, that it is started while booting ?

io-net is always started when booting. If you run “pidin -p io-net mem”
when you first boot up there are no devn entries in the output?

Where can i get info’s about sysinit file, because i didn’t find
anything in
the help ?

Besides reading /etc/system/sysinit, I am not sure there is much else in
terms of docs today.


Chris McKillop <> cdm@qnx.com> > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Software Engineer, QSSL – Lewis Carroll –

Which part of the QNX boot process is running at that moment ? Is that the
bootfile ?

Which moment? There isn’t enough output on bootup to track exactly what is
going on at a given time. I suspect it might come from the enumerators trying
to walk the hardware buses.

Where can i find the “makefile” for that bootfile, which is used by mkifs ?
I know, that i can’t change the bootfile in the NC version, but i would like
to find the reason of the error …

The buildfile is /boot/build/qnxbasedma.build. Won’t help you much.

Now, the network run after boot, but i can’t understand why, because i
didn’t change any config-file … I only slayed the io-net and started it
Saves the io-net its current arguments to a file, which it uses at the next
reboot ?

Could just be a an issue of doing a cold boot vs. doing a warm boot. Sometimes
when doing a warm boot bits of hardware get left in a bad state. This is
somewhat common when rebooting from windows into another OS.


Chris McKillop <cdm@qnx.com> “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”
Software Engineer, QSSL – Lewis Carroll –