Remote debug in 6.2.1

I’m using a windows hosted momemtics session to debug on a remote target
(x86). As I step through the code using F6 and step over a print, in 6.2.0 a
message is output on the console. in 6.2.1 all the messages are printed on
the console when the program ends!

This doesn’t make remote debuging very easy. Any ideas, thnaks in advance.

Steve <> wrote:

I’m using a windows hosted momemtics session to debug on a remote target
(x86). As I step through the code using F6 and step over a print, in 6.2.0 a
message is output on the console. in 6.2.1 all the messages are printed on
the console when the program ends!

This doesn’t make remote debuging very easy. Any ideas, thnaks in advance.

stdio is being too smart, and qconn is being dumb.

Put a
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0 );
near the start of main() in your program. (Before any printf calls.)


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