Slow graphic text scrolling...

Did you guys had made any changes yet to improve the video speed ?


And a single Tetris game on QNXRtP,
get my system running on his knees praying for help ?!

Ok, I’m going to jump in here…I wrote Columns, and at the time it was
there wasn’t a “generic” driver for Photon 2, and it’s design is assuming
the video driver can service it’s draw requirements faster than it can
issue it (2D
video accelerator required, which is a requirement of the RtP). On on
driver, Columns can get way ahead of the
driver, which is running at priority 12. So the driver gets overloaded with
draw commands so
will only be in a blocked state for a short period of time, so most other
priority 10 apps
are being starved, and Columns timer is still kicking causing it to queue
up more operations.
This would have happened in photon 1.14, (run rebound under ph 1.14 at prio
11 at full speed
and your system will come to a standstill…it’s not quite the same case,
but the root of
the issue is the same).

I am aware of this, and will be changing Columns to behave better when the
driver can’t keep up
when I get some spare cycles.

Dave Rempel


Fred <> wrote:

Did you guys had made any changes yet to improve the video speed ?

No. Did you make any changes to your system to improve your `supported
hardware compliance’?