FS-CIFS and copying recursive dirs

How do you do a recursive copy of a directory say on a windows box using

got cifs working fine bit if I try to do a

cp -c -r /cifs/tatu_src/* .

the top level directory is copied but then I get

cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/Debug_Process
cp: (File resides on different device)
cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/Command_Router
cp: (File resides on different device)
cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/Background_Monitor
cp: (File resides on different device)
cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/CTatuCommonClass
cp: (File resides on different device)
cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/TATU_System_Manager
cp: (File resides on different device)

Any clues?

Jim Atkins <jamesa@tsd.serco.com> wrote:
: How do you do a recursive copy of a directory say on a windows box using
: fs-cifs.

: got cifs working fine bit if I try to do a

: # cp -c -r /cifs/tatu_src/* .

: the top level directory is copied but then I get

: cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/Debug_Process
: cp: (File resides on different device)
: cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/Command_Router
: cp: (File resides on different device)
: cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/Background_Monitor
: cp: (File resides on different device)
: cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/CTatuCommonClass
: cp: (File resides on different device)
: cp: Skipping directory /cifs/tatu_src/Qualification_Sw/TATU_System_Manager
: cp: (File resides on different device)

: Any clues?


use cp

cp - copy files (POSIX)

cp [options]… source_file target_file
cp [options]… source_file… target_dir
-a/-b date/time Copy only files dated after/before date/time.
-A Preserve source file access times. Cannot be used with -O.
-B Use a very small (2k) copy buffer.
-c Create any directories neccessary to open dest path.
-d Distribute to multiple dests. e.g. cp -R /hd to /hd1 /hd2
-D Descend past device boundaries.

cp -D -c -r /cifs/tatu_src/* .

I always liked cp -crAP /blah/* /poo/* 8*)

Previously, Michael Shane wrote in qdn.public.qnxrtp.os:

{ # use cp
{ cp - copy files (POSIX)
{ cp [options]… source_file target_file
{ cp [options]… source_file… target_dir
{ Options:
{ -a/-b date/time Copy only files dated after/before date/time.
{ -A Preserve source file access times. Cannot be used with -O.
{ -B Use a very small (2k) copy buffer.
{ -c Create any directories neccessary to open dest path.
{ -d Distribute to multiple dests. e.g. cp -R /hd to /hd1 /hd2
{ -D Descend past device boundaries.
{ # cp -D -c -r /cifs/tatu_src/* .

Pat Ford email: pford@qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd. WWW: http://www.qnx.com
(613) 591-0931 (voice) mail: 175 Terence Matthews
(613) 591-3579 (fax) Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

I like your style :slight_smile:

Ta muchly - didn’t know about -D.

I’ll remember it as standing for Duffer from now on…

