boot disks..

im experimenting with making boot images and ive managed to create my boot.buld file and ive also made that into an image…

how do i now make that into a boot disk? ive tried to dd it to the floppy but it doesnt boot…


vince <> wrote:

im experimenting with making boot images and ive managed to create my boot.buld file and ive also made that into an image…

how do i now make that into a boot disk? ive tried to dd it to the floppy but it doesnt boot…

One problem is that there is no fdformat command for QNX RTP yet, so you cannot
format a floppy, but if you have a formatted floppy(QNX4 or DOS) all you need
to do is run the “dinit /dev/fd0” command which puts the
/.boot /.altboot /.bitmap /.inodes files onto the floppy, at this point mount
the floppy drive, with “mount /dev/fd0 /fd” and then an “ls /fd” will show you
these contents, then just cp your_image /fd/.boot and then you will be able
to boot. To make sure your floppy drive is running run the command
“pidin | grep fdc”
If nothing is returned you will have to start your floppy driver
“devb-fdc &”

