Package Manager configuration


I have burned qnxrtp.iso on a disc, and the /repository/index file was
written as /repository/index. (with dot at the end) for some reason.
Package Manager needs to have an index in /repository/index file and
it shows an error message, if it is unable to find one.

Is there any way to change the name of index file in Package Manager’s
configuration? How?

Best regards,
Vasily Vlasyuk

Not that I’m aware of, but you could copy the /repository
directory from your CD to your hard drive, rename the
index file and continue on merrily. However if the
index file has been renamed I would suspect that other
files will also have corrupted names. Another CD may
have to be burned. Good luck!

Mike Shane

Vasily Vlasyuk <> wrote:
: Hi

: I have burned qnxrtp.iso on a disc, and the /repository/index file was
: written as /repository/index. (with dot at the end) for some reason.
: Package Manager needs to have an index in /repository/index file and
: it shows an error message, if it is unable to find one.

: Is there any way to change the name of index file in Package Manager’s
: configuration? How?

: Best regards,
: Vasily Vlasyuk