I have a lantronix term server connected to a temp/humid sensor. I can
“telnet lantronix 3003” and get directly to the serial port connected to the
gauge. It works fine from Win2k and DecUnix but I get the first reading
then it ignores my requests when connected via QNX nto. I have tried both
ttcpip and tcpip and the telnet client acts just the same. I have written a
program to access the port directly and it acts the same.
Any ideas of where to look?
Thanks in advance.
John Sanders <jsanders@radix.net> wrote:
I have a lantronix term server connected to a temp/humid sensor. I can
“telnet lantronix 3003” and get directly to the serial port connected to the
gauge. It works fine from Win2k and DecUnix but I get the first reading
then it ignores my requests when connected via QNX nto. I have tried both
ttcpip and tcpip and the telnet client acts just the same. I have written a
program to access the port directly and it acts the same.
Any ideas of where to look?
2 Things could try:
Try to start telnet as “telnet -8 lantronix 3003”.
Once connect, drop into telnet config mode (ctrl-]) and do a “set crlf”,
and then retry.
Xiaodan Tang <xtang@qnx.com> wrote:
John Sanders <> jsanders@radix.net> > wrote:
I have a lantronix term server connected to a temp/humid sensor. I can
“telnet lantronix 3003” and get directly to the serial port connected to the
gauge. It works fine from Win2k and DecUnix but I get the first reading
then it ignores my requests when connected via QNX nto. I have tried both
ttcpip and tcpip and the telnet client acts just the same. I have written a
program to access the port directly and it acts the same.
Any ideas of where to look?
2 Things could try:
Try to start telnet as “telnet -8 lantronix 3003”.
Once connect, drop into telnet config mode (ctrl-]) and do a “set crlf”,
and then retry.
Make that “set crlf on”.
Hay that worked slick. I was wondering if there was an environment variable
that I could set to make that the default.
Xiaodan Tang wrote in message <905t6i$coi$2@nntp.qnx.com>…
Xiaodan Tang <> xtang@qnx.com> > wrote:
John Sanders <> jsanders@radix.net> > wrote:
I have a lantronix term server connected to a temp/humid sensor. I can
“telnet lantronix 3003” and get directly to the serial port connected to
gauge. It works fine from Win2k and DecUnix but I get the first reading
then it ignores my requests when connected via QNX nto. I have tried
ttcpip and tcpip and the telnet client acts just the same. I have
written a
program to access the port directly and it acts the same.
Any ideas of where to look?
2 Things could try:
Try to start telnet as “telnet -8 lantronix 3003”.
Once connect, drop into telnet config mode (ctrl-]) and do a “set
and then retry.
Make that “set crlf on”.
John Sanders <jsanders@radix.net> wrote:
Hay that worked slick. I was wondering if there was an environment variable
that I could set to make that the default.
No environment variable, but I think you could put them in ~/.telnetrc
Xiaodan Tang wrote in message <905t6i$coi$> 2@nntp.qnx.com> >…
Xiaodan Tang <> xtang@qnx.com> > wrote:
John Sanders <> jsanders@radix.net> > wrote:
I have a lantronix term server connected to a temp/humid sensor. I can
“telnet lantronix 3003” and get directly to the serial port connected to
gauge. It works fine from Win2k and DecUnix but I get the first reading
then it ignores my requests when connected via QNX nto. I have tried
ttcpip and tcpip and the telnet client acts just the same. I have
written a
program to access the port directly and it acts the same.
Any ideas of where to look?
2 Things could try:
Try to start telnet as “telnet -8 lantronix 3003”.
Once connect, drop into telnet config mode (ctrl-]) and do a “set
and then retry.
Make that “set crlf on”.