QNX - Nutrino FileSystem Drivers

We have developed drivers for QNX for years. We have filesystem
drivers for our EIDE and SCIS filesystem drivers for our caching/RAID

These drivers work for all versions of QNX 4.xx (4.23 was the last
version supported) using the filesystem “DCL_” interface. Does anyone
know how we make our drivers work with Nutrino?

“M Eby” <meeby@yahoo.com> wrote in message

We have developed drivers for QNX for years. We have filesystem
drivers for our EIDE and SCIS filesystem drivers for our caching/RAID

These drivers work for all versions of QNX 4.xx (4.23 was the last
version supported) using the filesystem “DCL_” interface. Does anyone
know how we make our drivers work with Nutrino?

The interface is not public you would have to get in touch with QSSL
to attempt to get the spec, You will have do some rewrite.

  • Mario

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001 14:31:07 -0500, “Mario Charest”
<mcharest@void_zinformatic.com> wrote:

“M Eby” <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote in message
news:> Px9WOuDOwX290yo0hCEEopcsxUa7@4ax.com> …
We have developed drivers for QNX for years. We have filesystem
drivers for our EIDE and SCIS filesystem drivers for our caching/RAID

These drivers work for all versions of QNX 4.xx (4.23 was the last
version supported) using the filesystem “DCL_” interface. Does anyone
know how we make our drivers work with Nutrino?

The interface is not public you would have to get in touch with QSSL
to attempt to get the spec, You will have do some rewrite.

  • Mario

Thanks Mario, who is QSSL?

M Eby <meeby@yahoo.com> wrote:
: Thanks Mario, who is QSSL?

That’s us! It stands for QNX Software Systems Ltd., but we don’t use that
abbreviation anymore because people don’t know what it means…

Steve Reid stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

On 5 Jan 2001 19:42:17 GMT, Steve Reid <stever@qnx.com> wrote:

M Eby <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote:
: Thanks Mario, who is QSSL?

That’s us! It stands for QNX Software Systems Ltd., but we don’t use that
abbreviation anymore because people don’t know what it means…

Steve Reid > stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

Thank you Steve, Now I think I may be getting somewhere.

How do we do Nutrino Filesystem (or equivelant for disk controllers).
We have been doing 4.x (thought 4.23 but you and I have customers that
want our Perceptive Solutions, Inc. RAID controllers for Nutrino. Can
you help and if not who do we contact. I already have been in contact
with Jason Kennedy and he sugguested that I start here. We had a lot
of problems getting what we need when we upgraded to 4.xx and it
appears to be the same problems again.


“M Eby” <meeby@yahoo.com> wrote in message

On 5 Jan 2001 19:42:17 GMT, Steve Reid <> stever@qnx.com> > wrote:

M Eby <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote:
: Thanks Mario, who is QSSL?

That’s us! It stands for QNX Software Systems Ltd., but we don’t use that
abbreviation anymore because people don’t know what it means…

Steve Reid > stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

Thank you Steve, Now I think I may be getting somewhere.

How do we do Nutrino Filesystem (or equivelant for disk controllers).
We have been doing 4.x (thought 4.23 but you and I have customers that
want our Perceptive Solutions, Inc. RAID controllers for Nutrino. Can
you help and if not who do we contact. I already have been in contact
with Jason Kennedy and he sugguested that I start here. We had a lot
of problems getting what we need when we upgraded to 4.xx and it
appears to be the same problems again.

You will not get direct help here, AFAIK the interface is not even frozen.
You will need to do some string pulling to get the info. QNX intends to
make it public in the futur (don’t have any idea when)



Mario Charest <mcharest@void_zinformatic.com> wrote:

“M Eby” <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote in message
news:> 2SRWOr59GYxFI02WGNCvrcTzGRLJ@4ax.com> …
On 5 Jan 2001 19:42:17 GMT, Steve Reid <> stever@qnx.com> > wrote:

M Eby <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote:
: Thanks Mario, who is QSSL?

That’s us! It stands for QNX Software Systems Ltd., but we don’t use that
abbreviation anymore because people don’t know what it means…

Steve Reid > stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

Thank you Steve, Now I think I may be getting somewhere.

How do we do Nutrino Filesystem (or equivelant for disk controllers).
We have been doing 4.x (thought 4.23 but you and I have customers that
want our Perceptive Solutions, Inc. RAID controllers for Nutrino. Can
you help and if not who do we contact. I already have been in contact
with Jason Kennedy and he sugguested that I start here. We had a lot
of problems getting what we need when we upgraded to 4.xx and it
appears to be the same problems again.

You will not get direct help here, AFAIK the interface is not even frozen.
You will need to do some string pulling to get the info. QNX intends to
make it public in the futur (don’t have any idea when)

What you could do to start however is to write a filesystem resource
manager that works with the raw device/raw partition as a start/
proof of concept while you work out the details. Mario is correct
that the interface is not yet publicly available, but the resource
manager layer should make writing your own filesystem relatively
painless … all that you would be missing would be integration
into the devb-* framework.


On 8 Jan 2001 14:28:38 GMT, Thomas Fletcher <thomasf@qnx.com> wrote:

Mario Charest <mcharest@void_zinformatic.com> wrote:

“M Eby” <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote in message
news:> 2SRWOr59GYxFI02WGNCvrcTzGRLJ@4ax.com> …
On 5 Jan 2001 19:42:17 GMT, Steve Reid <> stever@qnx.com> > wrote:

M Eby <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote:
: Thanks Mario, who is QSSL?

That’s us! It stands for QNX Software Systems Ltd., but we don’t use that
abbreviation anymore because people don’t know what it means…

Steve Reid > stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

Thank you Steve, Now I think I may be getting somewhere.

How do we do Nutrino Filesystem (or equivelant for disk controllers).
We have been doing 4.x (thought 4.23 but you and I have customers that
want our Perceptive Solutions, Inc. RAID controllers for Nutrino. Can
you help and if not who do we contact. I already have been in contact
with Jason Kennedy and he sugguested that I start here. We had a lot
of problems getting what we need when we upgraded to 4.xx and it
appears to be the same problems again.

You will not get direct help here, AFAIK the interface is not even frozen.
You will need to do some string pulling to get the info. QNX intends to
make it public in the futur (don’t have any idea when)

What you could do to start however is to write a filesystem resource
manager that works with the raw device/raw partition as a start/
proof of concept while you work out the details. Mario is correct
that the interface is not yet publicly available, but the resource
manager layer should make writing your own filesystem relatively
painless … all that you would be missing would be integration
into the devb-* framework.



You might be missing the point here. We don’t care about the
filesystem, except what is needed to interface for our SCSI and EIDE
adapter cards. We ususally obtain source code for a working driver
and modify to adapt to our adapters. The only useflul information is
really compilable source code for an IDE and SCSI interface so that we
can adapt our driver code for our adapters.

One other quesiont: Who has RAIDand caching RAID controllers for
Nutrino and QNX operating systems that include reporting and control
utilities? And, I am not talking about software RAID that has
significant weaknesses.

M Eby <meeby@yahoo.com> wrote:

On 8 Jan 2001 14:28:38 GMT, Thomas Fletcher <> thomasf@qnx.com> > wrote:
Mario Charest <mcharest@void_zinformatic.com> wrote:

“M Eby” <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote in message
news:> 2SRWOr59GYxFI02WGNCvrcTzGRLJ@4ax.com> …
On 5 Jan 2001 19:42:17 GMT, Steve Reid <> stever@qnx.com> > wrote:

M Eby <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote:
: Thanks Mario, who is QSSL?

That’s us! It stands for QNX Software Systems Ltd., but we don’t use that
abbreviation anymore because people don’t know what it means…

Steve Reid > stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

Thank you Steve, Now I think I may be getting somewhere.

How do we do Nutrino Filesystem (or equivelant for disk controllers).
We have been doing 4.x (thought 4.23 but you and I have customers that
want our Perceptive Solutions, Inc. RAID controllers for Nutrino. Can
you help and if not who do we contact. I already have been in contact
with Jason Kennedy and he sugguested that I start here. We had a lot
of problems getting what we need when we upgraded to 4.xx and it
appears to be the same problems again.

You will not get direct help here, AFAIK the interface is not even frozen.
You will need to do some string pulling to get the info. QNX intends to
make it public in the futur (don’t have any idea when)

What you could do to start however is to write a filesystem resource
manager that works with the raw device/raw partition as a start/
proof of concept while you work out the details. Mario is correct
that the interface is not yet publicly available, but the resource
manager layer should make writing your own filesystem relatively
painless … all that you would be missing would be integration
into the devb-* framework.



You might be missing the point here.

Indeed I’ve missed the boat. Sorry about that.

We don’t care about the
filesystem, except what is needed to interface for our SCSI and EIDE
adapter cards. We ususally obtain source code for a working driver
and modify to adapt to our adapters. The only useflul information is
really compilable source code for an IDE and SCSI interface so that we
can adapt our driver code for our adapters.

Unfortunately that is not publicly available so you will have to
go through your a sales channel to see what can be arranged in
terms of access to source.


Thank you all for your help on this. I know now (I really already
knew but I was sent here first becuase my first line of contact
doesn’t understand the nature of the problem) what I have to do.

We went throught this before when doing QNX 4.xx. We found out that
we needed headers, source code and even a different make program to
build the drivers.

On 8 Jan 2001 18:59:45 GMT, Thomas Fletcher <thomasf@qnx.com> wrote:

M Eby <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote:
On 8 Jan 2001 14:28:38 GMT, Thomas Fletcher <> thomasf@qnx.com> > wrote:
Mario Charest <mcharest@void_zinformatic.com> wrote:

“M Eby” <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote in message
news:> 2SRWOr59GYxFI02WGNCvrcTzGRLJ@4ax.com> …
On 5 Jan 2001 19:42:17 GMT, Steve Reid <> stever@qnx.com> > wrote:

M Eby <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote:
: Thanks Mario, who is QSSL?

That’s us! It stands for QNX Software Systems Ltd., but we don’t use that
abbreviation anymore because people don’t know what it means…

Steve Reid > stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems

Thank you Steve, Now I think I may be getting somewhere.

How do we do Nutrino Filesystem (or equivelant for disk controllers).
We have been doing 4.x (thought 4.23 but you and I have customers that
want our Perceptive Solutions, Inc. RAID controllers for Nutrino. Can
you help and if not who do we contact. I already have been in contact
with Jason Kennedy and he sugguested that I start here. We had a lot
of problems getting what we need when we upgraded to 4.xx and it
appears to be the same problems again.

You will not get direct help here, AFAIK the interface is not even frozen.
You will need to do some string pulling to get the info. QNX intends to
make it public in the futur (don’t have any idea when)

What you could do to start however is to write a filesystem resource
manager that works with the raw device/raw partition as a start/
proof of concept while you work out the details. Mario is correct
that the interface is not yet publicly available, but the resource
manager layer should make writing your own filesystem relatively
painless … all that you would be missing would be integration
into the devb-* framework.



You might be missing the point here.

Indeed I’ve missed the boat. Sorry about that.

We don’t care about the
filesystem, except what is needed to interface for our SCSI and EIDE
adapter cards. We ususally obtain source code for a working driver
and modify to adapt to our adapters. The only useflul information is
really compilable source code for an IDE and SCSI interface so that we
can adapt our driver code for our adapters.

Unfortunately that is not publicly available so you will have to
go through your a sales channel to see what can be arranged in
terms of access to source.


M Eby <meeby@yahoo.com> wrote:

Thank you all for your help on this. I know now (I really already
knew but I was sent here first becuase my first line of contact
doesn’t understand the nature of the problem) what I have to do.

We went throught this before when doing QNX 4.xx. We found out that
we needed headers, source code and even a different make program to
build the drivers.

Keep in mind that we all think you work for yahoo.com, and we don’t remember
yahoo.com ever doing disk drivers for QNX4.

In reality I am the senior software engineer at Percpetive Solutions,
Inc. I use the yahoo email becuase I spammers harvest email address
from newsgroups and I use that as my junk recepticle. Since this
newsgroup is probably safer I am at mark@psidisk.com.

I have to use this same software on the Microsoft, Linux, Sco and
various other newgroups and spammers really harvest badly there
so…well you know. I need to keep my real mailbox for real mail.

On 9 Jan 2001 14:26:15 GMT, pete@qnx.com wrote:

M Eby <> meeby@yahoo.com> > wrote:
Thank you all for your help on this. I know now (I really already
knew but I was sent here first becuase my first line of contact
doesn’t understand the nature of the problem) what I have to do.

We went throught this before when doing QNX 4.xx. We found out that
we needed headers, source code and even a different make program to
build the drivers.

Keep in mind that we all think you work for yahoo.com, and we don’t remember
yahoo.com ever doing disk drivers for QNX4.

I asked internally for this a few weeks ago. I should add
that I’ve probably written/ported more drivers to QNX2 &
QNX4 than anyone else outside of QSSL. I got the same
information that you have. Not available yet. Not frozen

If this is really true, for my money, I’d like to see an
interface where you could dynamically add a drive/device to
a controller and just tell the driver to look for it and
add the device in.

Mitchell Schoenbrun --------- maschoen@pobox.com

Now comes the big question! If it is not frozen yet then why would I
even consider buying or using the operating system? This would tell
me that the system is unstable (from the manufacturer) and red flags

They want me to buy the beta?

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 02:37:54 -0800, Mitchell Schoenbrun
<maschoen@pobox.com> wrote:

I asked internally for this a few weeks ago. I should add
that I’ve probably written/ported more drivers to QNX2 &
QNX4 than anyone else outside of QSSL. I got the same
information that you have. Not available yet. Not frozen

If this is really true, for my money, I’d like to see an
interface where you could dynamically add a drive/device to
a controller and just tell the driver to look for it and
add the device in.

Mitchell Schoenbrun --------- > maschoen@pobox.com

M Eby <meeby@yahoo.com> wrote:

Now comes the big question! If it is not frozen yet then why would I
even consider buying or using the operating system?

You wouldn’t. You’re specifically in the business of making money writing
disk drivers for operating systems.

But not everyone needs to write disk drivers.

We’re not going to change the `fopen’ API, which means most users will
never know the difference between the current internals of the disk drivers
and the final version when it’s frozen.

This would tell
me that the system is unstable (from the manufacturer) and red flags

Very astute of you to figure that out.

FOR YOUR PURPOSES the system is unstable. Don’t go near it. It is not
done yet.

For people who do not need to write disk drivers, it is probably fine.

I understand Walmart is having a sale on red flags this weekend… BTW, the
system is anything but unstable, and will never really be “done”. I guess

-Warren “there can be only one (viewpoint)” Peece

<pete@qnx.com> wrote in message news:93nd3o$770$1@nntp.qnx.com
| M Eby <meeby@yahoo.com> wrote:
| > Now comes the big question! If it is not frozen yet then why would I
| > even consider buying or using the operating system?
| You wouldn’t. You’re specifically in the business of making money writing
| disk drivers for operating systems.
| But not everyone needs to write disk drivers.
| We’re not going to change the `fopen’ API, which means most users will
| never know the difference between the current internals of the disk drivers
| and the final version when it’s frozen.
| > This would tell
| > me that the system is unstable (from the manufacturer) and red flags
| > DONE YET”.
| Very astute of you to figure that out.
| FOR YOUR PURPOSES the system is unstable. Don’t go near it. It is not
| done yet.
| For people who do not need to write disk drivers, it is probably fine.

I write SCSI and ATA drivers for at least a dozen different operating
systems. As of this date only QNX does not publish the interface
publicly. I guess they just don’t care to expand the OS to support
the adapters the customers want. By the way, we have a customer just
screaming for support in Nuetrino for our cards.

M Eby <meeby@yahoo.com> wrote:

I write SCSI and ATA drivers for at least a dozen different operating

I think everyone already knew that, but if not, they know it now.

As of this date only QNX does not publish the interface publicly.

Thanks for letting us know.

I guess they just don’t care to expand the OS to support the adapters
the customers want.

This is an incorrect assumption on your part. We’ve told you that the
interface is not frozen yet and you won’t get a Disk driver DDK until it is.

In case it’s not clear to you, that implies that when it is frozen, there
will be a Disk Driver DDK.

Hope that clears up any confusion you may have.

By the way, we have a customer just screaming for support in Nuetrino
for our cards.

It’s good to know that your customers are so interested in using Neutrino.

Thanks for the information.


Pardon me if I’m confused here. It looks like you might
have thought that the last poster who said things like:

“Now comes the big question! If it is not frozen yet then why would I
even consider buying or using the operating system?”

was me, but it was not.

That is unless you happen to know that
meeby@yahoo.com” is “specifically in the business of making money writing
disk drivers for operating systems.”

Appologies if I’ve misinterpreted.


Mitchell Schoenbrun --------- maschoen@pobox.com

Mitchell Schoenbrun <maschoen@pobox.com> wrote:


Pardon me if I’m confused here. It looks like you might
have thought that the last poster who said things like:

“Now comes the big question! If it is not frozen yet then why would I
even consider buying or using the operating system?”

was me, but it was not.

Nope. Didn’t think that at all.

That is unless you happen to know that
"> meeby@yahoo.com> " is “specifically in the business of making money writing
disk drivers for operating systems.”

Apparently he is.