Iam unable to get on the internet with the browser or Vmail. The dialer
bar graph goes to the key but no further. Is this mean I am online with
my isp.
My etc/hosts file has only one line in it : 127.1 (localhost)
The resov.conf file has the domain and 2 nameservers given to me by my
What have I missed ?


You are not online till the bar gets to end.

Maybe your isp doesn’t do pap - or requires an interactive login.

Try checking the interactive box on the dialer and then enter username / pw
in the
terminal window that pops up.


bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca wrote:

Iam unable to get on the internet with the browser or Vmail. The dialer
bar graph goes to the key but no further. Is this mean I am online with
my isp.
My etc/hosts file has only one line in it : 127.1 (localhost)
The resov.conf file has the domain and 2 nameservers given to me by my
What have I missed ?


I tried to connect by interactive login but I would get to password and the
would get no carrier,so I tried to connect with pap and this is what it showed.

connect 57600
link established
negotiating ppp connection
pppd [ 544794-1 ]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root , uid 0
pppd started
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:using interface ppp0
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connect <–> /dev/ser3
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:LCP: timeout sendin config - requests
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connection terminated
connection terminated
pppd conection closed

Question what config - requests is it suppose to send and what file is it
looking for or at.


Nigel Tingle wrote:

You are not online till the bar gets to end.

Maybe your isp doesn’t do pap - or requires an interactive login.

Try checking the interactive box on the dialer and then enter username / pw
in the
terminal window that pops up.


bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:

Iam unable to get on the internet with the browser or Vmail. The dialer
bar graph goes to the key but no further. Is this mean I am online with
my isp.
My etc/hosts file has only one line in it : 127.1 (localhost)
The resov.conf file has the domain and 2 nameservers given to me by my
What have I missed ?


bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca wrote:

I tried to connect by interactive login but I would get to password and the
would get no carrier,so I tried to connect with pap and this is what it showed.

connect 57600
link established
negotiating ppp connection
pppd [ 544794-1 ]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root , uid 0
pppd started
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:using interface ppp0
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connect <–> /dev/ser3
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:LCP: timeout sendin config - requests
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connection terminated
connection terminated
pppd conection closed

Could you try starting “phdialer -d” from a terminal ?
And post or email me the output ?


Question what config - requests is it suppose to send and what file is it
looking for or at.


Nigel Tingle wrote:

You are not online till the bar gets to end.

Maybe your isp doesn’t do pap - or requires an interactive login.

Try checking the interactive box on the dialer and then enter username / pw
in the
terminal window that pops up.


bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:

Iam unable to get on the internet with the browser or Vmail. The dialer
bar graph goes to the key but no further. Is this mean I am online with
my isp.
My etc/hosts file has only one line in it : 127.1 (localhost)
The resov.conf file has the domain and 2 nameservers given to me by my
What have I missed ?


This what I got when I ran phdialer -d:
PHDIALER spawn : pppd /dev/ser3 56000 debug default route +resconf require -ns noip
default nodetach +stdeerrlog +stdinsecret name chamney idle 7200 nameserver


Xiaodan Tang wrote:

bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:
I tried to connect by interactive login but I would get to password and the
would get no carrier,so I tried to connect with pap and this is what it showed.

connect 57600
link established
negotiating ppp connection
pppd [ 544794-1 ]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root , uid 0
pppd started
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:using interface ppp0
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connect <–> /dev/ser3
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:LCP: timeout sendin config - requests
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connection terminated
connection terminated
pppd conection closed

Could you try starting “phdialer -d” from a terminal ?
And post or email me the output ?


Question what config - requests is it suppose to send and what file is it
looking for or at.


Nigel Tingle wrote:

You are not online till the bar gets to end.

Maybe your isp doesn’t do pap - or requires an interactive login.

Try checking the interactive box on the dialer and then enter username / pw
in the
terminal window that pops up.


bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:

Iam unable to get on the internet with the browser or Vmail. The dialer
bar graph goes to the key but no further. Is this mean I am online with
my isp.
My etc/hosts file has only one line in it : 127.1 (localhost)
The resov.conf file has the domain and 2 nameservers given to me by my
What have I missed ?


bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca wrote:

This what I got when I ran phdialer -d:
PHDIALER spawn : pppd /dev/ser3 56000 debug default route +resconf require -ns noip
default nodetach +stdeerrlog +stdinsecret name chamney idle 7200 nameserver

Sorry, I am also interesting in the log output (the log like you posted



Xiaodan Tang wrote:

bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:
I tried to connect by interactive login but I would get to password and the
would get no carrier,so I tried to connect with pap and this is what it showed.

connect 57600
link established
negotiating ppp connection
pppd [ 544794-1 ]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root , uid 0
pppd started
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:using interface ppp0
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connect <–> /dev/ser3
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:LCP: timeout sendin config - requests
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connection terminated
connection terminated
pppd conection closed

Could you try starting “phdialer -d” from a terminal ?
And post or email me the output ?


Question what config - requests is it suppose to send and what file is it
looking for or at.


Nigel Tingle wrote:

You are not online till the bar gets to end.

Maybe your isp doesn’t do pap - or requires an interactive login.

Try checking the interactive box on the dialer and then enter username / pw
in the
terminal window that pops up.


bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:

Iam unable to get on the internet with the browser or Vmail. The dialer
bar graph goes to the key but no further. Is this mean I am online with
my isp.
My etc/hosts file has only one line in it : 127.1 (localhost)
The resov.conf file has the domain and 2 nameservers given to me by my
What have I missed ?


This what I got in the output log:
connect 57600
link established
negotiating ppp connection
pppd [ 503839-1 ]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root , uid 0
pppd started
pppd [503839-1 ]:using interface ppp0
pppd [503839-1 ]:connect <–> /dev/ser3
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]:sent [LCP confreg id= 0x1<magic 0xdc4575c3>pccomp>]
pppd [503839-1 ]::LCP: timeout sending config - requests
pppd [503839-1 ]:connection terminated
connection terminated
pppd [503839-1 ]:Serial link is not 8-bit clean
pppd [503839-1 ]:All received characters had even parity
pppd [503839-1 ]:exit
pppd conection closed

ps: This does not always happen sometimes I’ll get a connection failed when phdialer has
dialed the phone number.


Xiaodan Tang wrote:

bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:
This what I got when I ran phdialer -d:
PHDIALER spawn : pppd /dev/ser3 56000 debug default route +resconf require -ns noip
default nodetach +stdeerrlog +stdinsecret name chamney idle 7200 nameserver

Sorry, I am also interesting in the log output (the log like you posted



Xiaodan Tang wrote:

bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:
I tried to connect by interactive login but I would get to password and the
would get no carrier,so I tried to connect with pap and this is what it showed.

connect 57600
link established
negotiating ppp connection
pppd [ 544794-1 ]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root , uid 0
pppd started
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:using interface ppp0
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connect <–> /dev/ser3
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:LCP: timeout sendin config - requests
pppd [ 544794-1 ]:connection terminated
connection terminated
pppd conection closed

Could you try starting “phdialer -d” from a terminal ?
And post or email me the output ?


Question what config - requests is it suppose to send and what file is it
looking for or at.


Nigel Tingle wrote:

You are not online till the bar gets to end.

Maybe your isp doesn’t do pap - or requires an interactive login.

Try checking the interactive box on the dialer and then enter username / pw
in the
terminal window that pops up.


bcmc@sk.sympatico.ca > wrote:

Iam unable to get on the internet with the browser or Vmail. The dialer
bar graph goes to the key but no further. Is this mean I am online with
my isp.
My etc/hosts file has only one line in it : 127.1 (localhost)
The resov.conf file has the domain and 2 nameservers given to me by my
What have I missed ?
